
lol. Patriarchy does not impose a “gender” on men. It was created by men to facilitate them fulfilling the human basic purpose of sex and reproduction. At the physical and emotional expense of women, of course.

I don’t think that rapes happens less often in Sweden than in does in other parts of the world.

Well clearly not much.

But what do bracelets have to do with it?

Do you have a link to a study about that?

You must be really bored.

If Tony Abbott can claim that he’s a feminist, why not Donald Trump?

The first two numbers are wrong.

When his sun shines on you, you feel it.’ But when the sun is shining elsewhere, it’s cold.

I watch GoT. Still don’t understand his appeal.

Because at this point, after Brexit, for the EU to invite Turkey to join in would be political suicide.

Turkey will not join the EU (if it will still exist). Not in this century.


No. I’m not an American, mass shootings are incredibly rare in my country, and I don’t even own a gun.

I don’t. Do you?

I’d rather be a realist.

There is no absolute proof that the future we’re heading towards is better. You can’t speak of a trend since you don’t know what the future will look like and as the video told, technological advancement is a very small and recent part of human history.

What I, you, or anyone else in the world assumes simply doesn’t matter.

Where did I say that we need to go back to the days when we had to church our own butter or anything along those lines? Could you provide a direct quote please?

Nothing good.