
Charlize Theron is a goddess. Hope Penn knows how #blessed he is.

Why not? They are the ones who have the least to lose. Or do you suggest that women working minimum wage jobs should be the ones who put their source of income at risk for speaking up?

And yet here you go, again, telling me about your personal life. Is it really that hard to understand that no one here cares about you and your husband?

You understand what I’m arguing? Are you sure? Because all of your comments have proven otherwise.

I don’t have an illogical thought. If you cannot deal with reality, how is that my fault?

When did you answer my question? I would like a direct quote of your answer please.

I refer to studies that prove that equality does not exist in marriages. If you choose to ignore them, that’s your right. However, I do not think that it’s fair to put studies (done for various generations and different countries, making them universal) on equal footing with your observations and imagined conclusions.

Marriage was an institution that was created by men to subjugate women. It is inherently unequal.

I already told you (and everyone else in this thread) plenty of times. Studies + human nature/behavior. You’re the one who disagreed with my comment in the first place...without explaining why you disagree with it.


Right now, all the benefits/advantages/whatever that men get out marriage come from the fact that it is unequal and favors them.

I’ve already addressed this point somewhere in my other comment to another person. Women are conditioned for marriage since practically their birth. The cartoon/Disney movies girls watch, dolls and toys they play with, movies they watch/books they read as teens and young adults, etc. Plus social pressure to not end up

Maybe she does. Or maybe she just doesn’t support Trump.

It’s not a matter of what I (or you) think. There are plenty of studies that show that marriage is beneficial for men and not women. Reality does not care about my opinion or who I hang out with.

What makes you think that she wants to see Trump elected president?

I hung out with all kinds of men. What’s that got to do with any of this?

Because all the benefits that men get out of marriage come from the fact that marriage is an unequal institution. It’s easier to dump most of the family and household responsibilities on your “partner” than “share the burden”.

I won’t disagree that a boss might see a married person as being more responsible

Are you actually making an effort to not understand what I’m saying? Men don’t get those benefits out of thin air when they get married. They get them because their wives sacrifice their own health and financial opportunities. Married women are not healthier or wealthier than unmarried women. It’s the opposite.

By “ridiculous hyperbolic statements” do you mean analyzing the way society functions and pointing out that their countless studies done on the subject which prove my point?