
Have you seen the state of feminism lately? It’s basically patriarchy with glitter and pink ribbons thrown on it. As a college-aged woman, it’s just so sad for me to see what other women my age consider to be feminism these day.

Ah yes, we should get men to be interested in feminism (a movement that was started by women to fight for women’s liberation) because it benefits them and because it “leads to more satisfying sex”.

Make them contacts instead of glasses.

What do IUDs have to do with this?


I don’t get it, why should he answer questions about ISIS at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics?

Maximum security prison.

It’s a revolution sweetie :)

I always find it kind of funny when they panic about some hypothetical women out there aborting male fetuses.

Meh, leftists constantly throw women under the bus when it fits their agenda, so it’s not really surprising.

The thing is, with such a high prevalence of domestic violence, men are already punching women. I’m not sure why they act as if it never happens.

What the point of increasing the chance of crime in the first place?

Women (actually, everyone) are safer in public bathrooms than they are in their own homes.

So apart from insulting me, you’ve got nothing to add to the conversation?

Single user bathrooms are not practical at all in most places. The waiting line would go on for miles.

“White feminism” is now a buzzword(s) that you can throw at any woman who says something relating to sexism to shut her up. Heck a woman doesn’t even have to be white to be accused of being a “white feminist”.

Sex-segregated public bathrooms exist for safety reasons, not religious ones. As more women started working outside of home they also required bathrooms outside of the home, ones that would not put them in close contact with strange men. This is why separate bathrooms for women and men were created. Not because of

There really are no reasons why men and women can’t use the same rooms that aren’t based on religious claptrap.


You use “historical fact” quite liberally I see.