
I like their approach. Who needs a car that you can actually drive when you can just copy the design from other vehicles and then take an engine, pile on turbochargers and superchargers till you reach ridiculous numbers and brag about how fast you can go in a straight line.

I'm not much of a celebrity person. If Lady Gaga died in my front garden I'd step over her corpse to get my newspaper but if I saw the Top Gear crew I'd freak out too. Celebrites are not a big deal in Britain after all we have been stuck with the fancy rich royal family for ages, theres nothing celebrities can do to

I honestly don't care about new comics what I want to know is what about out of print comics?

@QualityJeverage: QualityJeverage miserable pieces of crap that hate everything have as much place here as people that actually contribute something to the discussion.

This article is bs and hasn't been researched properly.

You guys are too nerdy :P

Why would you make a game with good graphics when you can just port over a game which has the main feature of having motion control.

360 version in game looks miles behind the PS3 version nearly like its been cut down to size.

@dracosummoner: I've read the two out and I like them though to be honest they are a lot more style over substance as in the art is wonderful and there is a lot of action but there is very little story and you don't learn a lot about what was going on.

Jak and Daxter PS3!

This and the Sports Illustrated demo are very interesting.

Can't you install one disc to the hard drive and when you are done playing that disc uninstall it and install the second disc or is there some sort of feature I am unaware of?

I think a lot of people say games are art and whenever I think about games as art I've always thought it has to do with games being a way of expression like art is generally considered or some games just looking artsy like God of War or Prince of Persia.

I remember when CD sales were in the billions and MP3 was invented... everybody in the world knew the internet and 56K were too slow...

Level 5 are one of the best developers in the world it sucks that their games are so little known but if they actually translated and imported them to multiple markets they might be known as much as the inferior developers selling millions of copies.

It's really amazing how they have all these planets and they seem so varied as well.

1.3 million USD is not a lot for what he did.

It's crazy Prologue sold 4.65 million copies.