I didn’t really make your point, I chose two articles that were released recently about human trafficking, but you chose to make it about the women. But that’s fine.... let me find a few more for you.
I didn’t really make your point, I chose two articles that were released recently about human trafficking, but you chose to make it about the women. But that’s fine.... let me find a few more for you.
I mean, people have a right to speak their mind, and if this is how they want to protest, let them...
Personally I hate Epic Games because of the constant issues they have with leaking customer information. There have been at least 3 or 4 times in the past six months where I’ve received emails saying something along the lines of “We’ve been breached, please reset or change your password.”
Let me step back here because that sounded a little more heated than what I was going for.... With your comment about where we put our money, while yes, we spend a lot on counter terrorism, but it’s not like we don’t spend money on human trafficking (which is all humans, not just women, but kids, men and women, all…
There’s a pretty big awareness about human trafficking and all that. It’s on January 11th. I see stories about missing kids and stuff all the time, granted most aren’t on Jezebel or “blog-style” reporting. But it is reported on pretty frequently.
I agree. And showing ALL the relationships being messy makes it even more believable. I mean Ed and Kelly’s relationship is obviously rocky. Bortus and his husband has plenty of issues, etc.... I mean even the relationship between the “federation” and the Krill. the relationship between the orville and Issac...
I mean sure... the School is responsible for keeping the students safe. The fact that this girl was beaten unconscious means that this wasn’t just a jump attack. The teachers had to have missed something to have not seen it. Shouldn’t they be held responsible?
Forget the fact that this person was handcuffed, drugs found, gun wasn’t found, etc.... Forget all the bullshit.
I mean, not that I disagree with what this person said cause physical violence and saying the F-word or N-word are no where near similar....
That’s kinda what I’m hoping for myself. I’d love to see another movie where Valkyrie is the star, but also has some Hulk... cause those two interacting was so much better than Hulk and Black Widow.
Loki has also changed genders in the past... But I’m more hoping that it’s someone we’ve already seen. Maybe a little someone who was in Ragnarok, but not in Infinity War. Valkyrie, ok? I’m hoping it’s Valkyrie.
It might be my privilege here... but I don’t see the Patriarchy here. Gaga is a larger star than Bradley Cooper or Tony Bennett that this point. Look at the numbers she’s pulling (DAMN!)... And it’s not like she’s panhandling to her supporters. She could have easily said no to dueting with both of them, yet she does…
I always play healer.... My top Four(in order) are easily : Mercy, Lucio, Moira, then Ana.
I’m not trying to notallmen anything here, I’m just pointing out that they are doing other types of relationships on this show and it’s also not being done well. This show has a very clear issue doing social issues, but at least its trying.
Not really sure what you’re talking about. But I do enjoy the show. I’m not fanatical about it... but I don’t understand what you’re talking about.
It doesn’t just deal with the non-traditional attraction. Look at the B-story of Kelly and Cassius. Everything that Cass does is “normal” in our society. But looking through the glass of it being on a spaceship and stuff makes it feel even more depressing.
As someone from the Philly area. I don’t think this is just an SF thing... I’ve been dating in this area for, about 15 years now and I’ve noticed the same kind of trends here. It’s to expensive, ghosting, commitment issues, blah, blah... Especially since I work in a co-working space it’s even harder because everyone…
So now I’m curious, do you type the tip into the machine or do you handwrite it on the slip.... Cause the whole issue here, is not that the card goes out of sight, but the fact that the tip is handwritten on the slip and changed once the customer leaves. So even in your case, if you hand write the tip, you can STILL…
It’s not that we can’t figure out debt machines, it’s because in American restaurants (don’t know how they do it in Canada) when you’re at your table and presented the bill, you put your card with the bill and the waiter/waitress takes the bill and the card to the back where the payment machines are. They don’t bring…
I mean they do use a shit ton of the different Earths in the comics (it even goes past 52 in the comics)....