
Not really sure why you’re saying tone deaf.... I mean one of the first things people complained about for this game was the PVP/survival or lack there of. This is them implementing it. People were complaining about stash size, what did they do? They up’d it and explained that uping it more (currently) breaks the

Not trying to “get” anyone.... just saying that for a game that has flaws (not necessarily game breaking), is a AAA title, etc.... it gets more hate than it rightfully deserves. Plenty of people buy AAA titles that use to be labeled “Early Access” which is basically what this game currently is.

You mean more “gear” like they did for Red Dead 2?

So wait, you can combine these two thoughts...go back in time and kidnap baby Hitler, raise him today in a “woke” house. If he still turns out “Hitler” then we now have the nature vs nurture argument settled, along with the aforementioned time machine to go back and kill him before he was Hitler again... win win.

You should tell your friend that while “facts don’t lie”, they can be twisted to fit your narrative... just look at the old “facts” about smoking being healthy, or chocolate helps you lose weight.

I completely understand your point of giving them a debuff, or nasty mutation or making the item weigh more, but that’s counter productive, because that’s another thing they need to code, another thing they need to test, another idem number created.... It’s basically a lot more work than a simple tag would do.

What level are you? Because as you level higher, the items in your camp cost less, meaning you can fit more. I know a guy who has a trading guild/clan/group that built a store and a bar with tons of seating and stuff.

kinda apples and oranges to me, Rust is a new IP. Not an established single player game that they are trying to make multiplayer. If you think the game is trash, that’s fine, personally I find a lot of enjoyment from it and think that while it has flaws, they aren’t game breaking.

Do you mean persistent structures that are player built? I’m not asking to mock, I’m genuinely curious. Because there are a ton of persistent structures all over the maps, most of which you won’t find unless you go looking and exploring (which I know not everyone is into). But if you mean player built persistent

It barely works? then why do people have 300 some odd hours in it? It seems like an impossible feat to have a game that barely works with that much time in. It’s riddled with bugs, most of the bugs are being worked out... same as every other game. the core gameplay loop is flawed? how? I’m actually curious because

When you go into the Dev room, it tags your account. So if you go into the room, you’ll get banned. if you trade it to another character, that’s on you and the other character.... IT’s also why you don’t trade with strangers.

What makes it trash for you? Do you play alone? Do you have no friends?

You’re right, but Grimace is the wrong way to go...

This might be a super unpopular opinion... but I think Red Dead is more broken then Fallout 76. I actually enjoy playing FO76 over RDR.....

by NPC’s do you mean non playable characters? Because I’ve run into many of them in the wasteland. Factional disputes? You mean like Super mutants fighting ghouls or scorched? cause I’ve seen that... Companions that are genuinely well written and fun to be around? Well, there are no companions, so apples and oranges,

Just because Bethesda is one of the biggest game manufacturers out there doesn’t mean the game is going to be a top hit right off the bat. Remember GTA Online’s initial launch? Nothing to do, buggy servers, hackers from day one....

You say it’s like apples and oranges but it’s really not. Seeing as how most games these days that are released have bugs that persist years after the games release. Having weekly patches is nothing new to gaming, having full priced games with bugs isn’t new to gaming.... All of the things that people are complaining

I really don’t understand why these rednecks are so anti-Tesla. Is it cause of Musk? Cause he smoked weed? Cause he build “not a flamethrower”? It just seems counter productive since they are highlighting the spots, thus bringing more coverage to Tesla, thus helping Tesla build more....

I know others have said it, but while it is a parking violation. Depending on the state, the truck can get towed just for parking in those spots. It’s like parking in a handicapped spot. Plus it comes with a steep fine.

I think that in itself is the whole reason why multiple companions is a difficult thing to do. I mean look at the few times we’ve had multiple companions in NuWho.... there really haven’t been, other than Rory... and lets be honest, most of his “arcs” were battling for Amy’s affection, dying, then doing some sort of