
First of all, I love the NYE format. Think it was amazing.

I’m curious, you mention that Yaz has taken a largely backseat role in this season (and I don’t disagree) but after re-watching the season (like you did) to prepare for the NYE special.... It seemed like this season mostly focus’d on Ryan.... Graham was very much still a side story (like Yaz) for tha majority of the

There are a few modes that give the Twisted Metal vibe, but unfortunately, you need to bring in some of the custom cars. Otherwise the cars you get don’t typically have the weapons on them.... And as per GTA, they bost a butt load.

not just sodomy, but rape also. Lets not forget he kept refusing and they still stuck an object in him, forcibly... which is rape.

So lets see here.... Trump’d up charges, excessive violence, and rape.... That’s what these so call “officers of the law” did. They should lose their jobs, be forced to pay restitution to the victim and pay his hospital bill, both for the anal rape that they forced on him, and for the bills to get him fixed back up

I had to pass out from drinking over 600 times in order to get that Kifflom t-shirt.... The only decent thing about it was that I owned the club, so it didn’t really cost me anything. But I’ve never taken off that Kifflom shirt, and I definitely plan on trying to get those sweet sweet robes.

This is absolutely bananas. Especially if it was for that amount.... I mean I use to work in a bank and we wouldn’t cash checks for non-members, but even so, we wouldn’t call the police if we could verify everything... damn.

But... I’m starch on the bottom with two opposing sides.... That means I’m a...

In the comics it’s definitely a wig. A really well made wig, but still a wig.

I’m really disappointed that when Ollie was given the choice by the Monitor, he didn’t immediately say “Oh, two need go? Welp... There’s this dickhead Diaz that I’ve been trying to take down.. And one more... hm... how about the douche you gave the book to, Deegan? Yeah that guy.”

Tomorrow: $150 on sale for $500!!! What a deal!

I know this is probably going to get slammed into hell for the reference, but I’d like to see something akin to what FO76 has done. Have a bounty put on someone who kills other players and while you have a bounty you can’t see other player markers.... That way it makes it harder to hunt down people if you’re murdering

Well, the whole “monster-infested” isn’t known to a ton of people. There’s what? Like four adults who actually know what’s going on in the town. The rest of the people that are in the know only know so much, their basically scientists who probably don’t know what they are truly dealing with or they are the kids that

Nah, this is an easy way to bring in Booster Gold to save this timeline setting up his rivalry with the Legends and Flash. Just think what great comedy gold (get it?) you’d have with Booster Gold and Team Flash or Legends.... It could be it’s own crossover with just Legends and Flash. GOLD I TELL YOU!

They’ve acknowledged that the stash space wasn’t suppose to be as low as it is. So they are up-ing the allotment soon (I believe in a update). As for the carry space, you can’t purchase more, but if you put points into Strength, you’ll get more carry weight, plus perk cards that allow you to carry more, allow junk to

I’ve put a ton of hours into the game myself. People are constantly saying it’s bad or it feels lonely, but honestly, this is the most fun I’ve had in a game since NV. From my experience, the people who I’ve run into are all friendly, or RP, or whatever. I’ve yet to have a bad experience outside of lag spikes or

I never thought of it as sending the Pokemon to Oak would grind them up. More of a helping the future generation of Pokemon players out. Oak has to get starting pokemon from somewhere. Why not get them from the others he’s sent out?

I ran into one of those also... and it was especially creepy when he showed up twenty min after I killed the Vengeful.

Haven’t run into this Mothman.... but I did run into a Vengeful Mothman out in the wild. Scared the crap out of me cause of the creepy red eyes, and it saying “vengeful”.

Another Tip for Stash.... If you are trying to horde your power armor pieces but it’s filling up your stash? Take out a chassis, put the pieces on the chassis and leave, after 60 sec, the power armor (with the higher pieces on it) will go right back into your inventory weighing just 10 lbs. the same as the chassis.