
Based on the strength of this review and the enthusiasm in the comments, I decided to give this show a shot. And by give this show a shot, I mean I watched all six right in a row. The previews for this show made it look really unpleasant, like it would be about two unlikable characters just sleeping around . . . or

Selfie had me at Karen Gillan; however, it lost me at everything else*

Haven't read the recap yet, but yeah, this episode had me fired up. I didn't expect much, honesty, as prior to this episode, I didn't care a whole lot about the happenings at the wall. Well, I'm glad I was wrong. This was just as good as Blackwater, and I think we can all agree that Neil Marshall is the goddamn man.

Dang, so I guess I should start watching this show.

My initial reaction is that this is the show's funniest episode yet. Seriously, there were so many good bits I don't even know where to start. I really love how great this show became, certainly one of the most reliably funny half hours of television on right now.