Thanks Charlie. I think I need to go drink more wine out of a can.
Thanks Charlie. I think I need to go drink more wine out of a can.
I agree, you're right. First step is a good step.
Uh, not equipped for critical thinking on a Sunday, but I think I see a thinly veiled but hardcore racist vibe in that dude’s ‘uniformity’ argument. I get that the visuals support it - the synchronized goose stepping and uniforms, etc. but that’s old school fascist dictator shit. Get with it. I don’t care what the…
Right, like shut up and take what we give you, you post-menopausal unfuckable crones.
I can tell from your s and ou that you’re not ‘Murican. I think our drones are pretty darn standardiZed...
Thank god you arrived on this scene. Needed some credible input from someone with firsthand experience. Thank you for your service and I'm sorry if that's become an empty sentiment.
Right but Sony hack blew it wide open already and he'd look like a dick if he didn't show solidarity, so it's more inevitable than altruistic.
Right, not claiming insider knowledge here, but who sets that metric, and don't agents have just as much interest in negotiating higher pay for women? It strikes me as an accepted thing in the industry, like a holdout from the golden age, and until someone starts lighting a fire under the folks in control, no one…
I’m not trying to diminish the righteousness of his stance, but it’s kind of on par with praising people for not ignoring others’ pain and suffering. Good job, gold star, but only because the bar is looooow.
It's a smart move for his image too. Being cynical.
I totally agree with you that it’s great for BC to do that, but where are the studios? If the people who make these pay decisions or the controlling execs would pledge to do something proactive that would be a more significant step. This is just the worker bees (ok, extremely purdy ones) banding together. It's a first…
That's what I think. What do you think
Good for him and all, but the solution here isn’t having a knight in shining armor to swoop in and rescue the damsels. More transparency is a good start. Less dicks is a good start.
If every researcher had a smart journo or PR person helping them, and every journo and PR person had a researcher at her side, we’d be in good shape. Unfortunately complex data, lengthy background and qualifiers, etc don’t jive with the news story formula. Don’t believe more than 25% of what you hear/read in the news.…
Oh ok you're making THAT argument. Me out.
I think we’re on the same page here. “Sex doll” meaning the impossible standard for women to be hot sexy sandwich artists with zero inner life all focused on serving her man and facilitating his arc and social status, etc.
Yeah, sounds reasonable and I honestly have no business commenting on combat since I’ve only seen it in documentaries. But I suppose my position is that greater diversity leads to stronger groups. I assume that holds true in combat situations.
Basically. One with no needs or character arc or inner life. So like, sex doll, yes.
Bono is so old goddamn. I guess me too. I saw U2 in eighth grade.