
My fellow women do this all the time and it drives me batty. You don’t want your precious butt to touch the dirty seat, so you make it even dirtier? What kind of bullshit logic is that?

It is still a very racially charged term. In Europe black soccer players and even politicians have had bananas thrown at them fairly recently. You can’t ignore that history because kids and animals = cute.

Counterpoint: this country has a history of violence towards African Americans and you need to be sensistive to such realities. Sorry if in your white bubble something as racist as calling a black child a monkey is okay to you

I don’t support the Olympics in general because of the way they exploit the resources of host cities which inevitably screws over the poorest and most disenfranchised residents the most. That said, I’m rooting for everyone black and will tune in to this event!

I’m sort of at a loss as to how many commenters are more focused on the fresh grad living at home and looking for work being as bad as the shitty sister who got knocked up, probably leans on the grandparent to kick in, and is a toxic influence while Letter Writer is just...existing?

Thank you. I think the strangest criticism of a politician is “they change their positions based on what the majority of constituents want.” Aren’t they supposed too? Isn’t the refusal to change positions why Republicans are raising the taxes and taking away the healthcare over the objection of some of their most

This. Donald Fucking Trump is the fucking president and they’re asking, “Yeah, but is she the RIGHT democrat to go up against a piece of shit?”

“Its crazy kids today think they need to sit around waiting for the perfect job to come around.” Are you for real?

You graduated 10 years ago. Things. Are. Not. The. Same. Furthermore I’m tired of people acting like companies should get away with not paying people (esp entry level) a living wage. I have come across so many jobs it would actually cost more in transportation to get to, than the job actually pays. No one expects a


The job market is very difficult for youngins right now, and it’s usually not just that they all want a big fancy job right out the gate. A person with that much debt can’t afford to pay it and rent every month on the salaries that are being offered for many of the entry-level jobs being offered. So sure, she could

You are 24 and playing with a cat for EIGHT HOURS straight? 

I would also like to add that the parents are probably doing it because they look like the good guys among all three of their kids. This way they maintain contact with all of them. Otherwise, if they favored one child over the other, even if that child is in the “right,” they will lose contact with the other sister/s

sad news: in the article, you can see there’s an obvious addition of a drop ceiling in the dining room, with can lights. i with they had kept the esthetic consistent! my husband wants cans in my almost-period-perfect mid century modern, and i spend too much time educating him about lamps. he doesn’t care. i hate can

To the post-grad living at home: Maybe I misunderstood, but it seems like your parents are playing you and Morgan off each other (you reading texts on Mom’s phone - I assume with her permission?). Or, at the least, your parents should be firmly and resolutely stopping your sister from hurling about all of these false

RUG LOVE obvs, but also she shares my love of copious (excessive) seating opportunities. You never know when eighty people come over and ALL WANT TO SIT DOWN!

My parents lived near that building 50 years ago and my mom was OBSESSED with trying to spot her. Then one day, my mom was pushing my brother in a baby carriage and Greta Garbo was walking towards them. As she passed my mom, she said, “you’re baby is beautiful”.


We’re about to have a democrat running who will actually listen and pay some heed to her left wing and Daily Beast is already trying to fuck it all up.