Is... is that a STARGATE behind them?!? *head explodes*
Mmmm, reminds me a bit of Sword of the Stars. I liked the Ender's Game feel of SotS but could never seem to get into Sins...
@ChampionshipFacial: No but Jaw and Odor would definitely be a stretch :D
@kylenalepa: Warehouse 13 doesn't get good until like halfway into Season 1. Once they figure out what they want to do with the characters, it's a lot of fun.
@sabrage: They're both already locked into IM3 and Avengers via contract anyway so they couldn't leave if they wanted too. And I think Samuel L Jackson actually signed up for a bunch of movies as Nick Fury as well...
Is it just me or did anyone else think the cop in the picture was the bad guy at first glance?
@fronsac: Starcraft Universe.