
Do you remember what class/race you picked? I ask because the story lines differ so much. Asura was my favorite because it was lighthearted and didn't feel too serious. I did not like Sylvari. It was a little too mystical and fantasy for my taste.

Have it.

Make a Rhythm Heaven game and I WILL buy a Wii U.

Since I made this comment, I've rented the new luigis mansion game and kept it after 2-3 days with it. They ramped up the difficulty and it was a fun challenge (even though they still throw you a bone if you die... literally). If they make Luigi to be the hard mode version of Mario, I'm all for it!

I imagine this could help with storage space right? When you're done with single player, you could trash that and leave multi?

I have a feeling this is just a small piece of a big update to come. They talked about users having their own "stores" not too long ago where you can sell games and get a cut. I think they're talking about some kind of integration with Steam Marketplace. So I would bet this comes out alongside being able to sell your

I heard a lot about this game and when I finally got it in the Humble Indie Bundle I was put off by it's difficulty at first. Though once you learn how to bait enemies around a corner, the game gets much easier to the point where it feels like I'm cheating. I beat the game in over the course of 3 evenings and damn it

All these sequels have just put me in a series fatigue. I honestly don't care about a new zelda, mario, or whatever else. To the point where all these typical Mario and DK platforming games are blending together to me.

I think VR will be the next big jump. It's something that was never really done right and we're at that point where it's cheap enough for mass market (and still has room to be improved!).

I feel the same way, but I do think the game has a totally different vibe/atmosphere than all the previous games.

You wouldn't know any better from the cover or screenshots! The last chapter just gets really dark.

Meet the Pyro, Villager style!

Now playing

Heh, I just sent them my suggestion. Keep in mind this is rated E for Everyone:

But I have a Slim model. I wish I could

Now playing

The first minute of this video is the BEST way to answer your question

"Here's a place to learn."

You just listed some of my favorite FF games! I think the setting worked wonders in FFTA and FFXII which is the reason I want more! FF7 was great and you know they'll eventually come back to it, but if I had a choice I'd return to Invalice again in a future FF sequel.

Now playing

I still own my copy, but unfortunately no PS2. I tried ripping the ISO so I could play it on an emulator, but the performance was terrible! It's my favorite in the series and I never finished it. I would be all for an HD remake, but I don't know if I can wait that long! I'd much prefer a sequel :)

A "Best Games" list for PS3 without Ni No Kuni in it is an incomplete list. Also why Call of Duty 4 over the more recent ones?

Remember how hard it was to find a Wii U when it first launched? Then all the scalpers realized no one wanted to pay $500 for it and returned their systems. Look how well they're doing now.