
I finished XIII and still don't know what the hell was going on

Oh no! I mean XIII* I love FFXII! Damn the Romans and their numerals

Only if they make her ultimate force your opponents to do some IRL workout before they can move again

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I really did like the whole Sin revival/summoner premise for the narrative. I recently beat FFXII and I still don't know what the hell was going on in that game.

It's a lot different. Let the developers who want to attempt it dig their own grave. How is it different from this generation?

Figured as much. Leave it to the developers to decide if they want to implement it or not. We've seen multiple attempts already and look how well that worked out.

Is it an action game now? I was still expecting it to be a spin off after seeing the trailer

Woes of walking and commenting at same time. Meant to make my own post

Does it really matter for 3rd party developers? I hope that this become a more multiplatform generation than before. Exclusivity does nothing for the consumer except lock them out of great experiences and give them bragging rights for owning that console. If you love a franchise, don't you want more people to play and

I'm happy with the way they turned 3DS around, and I hope they can do the same for Wii U soon. Maybe there's more to announce this week.

I say that because of Hawken and Titanfall mainly, but mech focused gameplay sections have been popping up in a lot of games lately. I think it's showing up a lot more than you may realize.

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I haven't played it, but it sounds like an open world Monster Hunter? The old trailer showed a good amount of gameplay, though it may look different now.

X isn't a new announcement- We knew about that back in January. It looks nice, but I'm personally burnt out on this style of sword swinging/gun shooting action games as of late. Mechs seem to be a popular thing right now and as I get older and have less free time, the new unique experiences are what catch my

Very excited, but they better not screw up online functionality. I'm still having issues connecting in luigis mansion and can never find a game in Brawl.

Smash Bros is pretty much the only announcement that mattered to me in this Nintendo Direct.

The funny part about it is that the one negative is something microsoft can lash back at them about.

*Edit* Thanks everyone! I was worried

I like this but does this prevent developers from integrating it if they want? Like Simcity?

more important: 3rd party controller support!