His head whip and blaster are pretty obvious. He also can do that head twirl/helicopter move to glide/float? He has to have a cow launcher ultimate! Maybe he could have a gerbil ride move like Wario and his motorcycle.
His head whip and blaster are pretty obvious. He also can do that head twirl/helicopter move to glide/float? He has to have a cow launcher ultimate! Maybe he could have a gerbil ride move like Wario and his motorcycle.
It's one of the few NES games I never could sell/trade away!
Frobisher Says looks great and I'd probably play some of the ones I got from PS+. I have to say though, the past few days I've been reconsidering renewing. I really didn't play the free games as much as I thought I would. I have such a large backlog already and I don't want to feel pressured to play them since I'm…
wow... just watched a few youtube lets plays and that's just sad. the fighting mode in the NES game looks better than that, and that's just 1/3 of the game. It also had the action platformer/ RPG side too!
See! They knew what they were doing.
If Snake and Sonic were in Brawl, I think anything's possible...
No joke! Star Fox 64 still holds up! These games are timeless and we need more.
Triple Triad was great! I also thought it was cool how you'd be interacting with a cutscene in the background too. Meh I'll say it, I enjoyed it back then!
Yep! I love the Invalice setting so much more than any other FF. FFXIII series grew on me over time, but I can't say I care for that world at all. I grew up playing the older Final Fantasy's (Fantasies?) and they hold a special place in my nostalgia, but playstation/PS2 era changed the series for the better.
So I really liked FF XIII-2, but I put it down for a couple months and it is so hard to pick up where I left off! I have no clue where I am at and where I'm supposed to go! I think after an hour or two of trying to figure it out last time (with gamefaq's on hand), I was at a point where I had to mindlessly run around…
Well we got a 15 minute short coming from valve on the way. Who knows how long that'll take though...
I like how I have almost every vita game I'd ever want... but I don't own a vita. It definitely make's me want to buy one though (I won't. Not at that price anyway)
E3 last year got me to buy a playstation plus subscription. I hope they keep raising the bar for online subscription perks.
lol, everyone needs to remember who we're talking about here.
I like the trailer and I understand why they feel the need to go F2P on iOS. Before you get cranky about it. how many people really pay $10 for a game on iOS? I've done it once for Baulder's Gate and it's not something I'd do very often. I doubt it'd be enough to make it worth it for them, but hopefully this won't be…
If only it was followed up by an uppercut!
The japanese mentality that they have to dumb things down for the US audience always cracked me up. That's why we got a strategy guide pack-in with Earthbound!