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    The people responsible for the Droid ads should have been fired a long time ago. They’re terrible and don’t make me (or anyone) want to buy a Droid.

    We need more useless inventions like the Snuggie.

    It’s almost as bad as the Droid ads.

    @sarge5: Try finding good games on the Android Market.

    @Ajanu: And you’re an ignorant fandroid.

    @sarge5: You mean the best apps on any device are on or coming to the iPhone.

    @Eric Tate: In the year 2010, you don’t need Flash to watch porn.

    Apple TV was called iTV when it was announced, but it was later changed. Maybe Apple knew they’d have trouble with the name in the UK.

    There are a lot of creation apps out for the iPad: painting apps, document editing apps, music/DJ apps, and now Photoshop. The days of only being used for consumption are coming to an end, I think.

    @Jerkface: Jokes get you unstarred.

    Apparently some people can’t take a joke.

    "Begun, the Clone War has."—Yoda

    @MrRainMan: Who embeds AVI files these days?

    @MrRainMan: *sigh* iDevices can pull the H.264 video from the embedded Flash player.

    @KBlack: Most of the video on the web is in H.264 and works on iDevices without Flash.

    @Dezerus Richardson: There’s no reason for Flash on iDevices. Almost every major site supports open standards or has an app.