My Dad was the one who got me into video games. I remember playing Fallout as a child and my dad reading all the text to me. Best parent of all time.
My Dad was the one who got me into video games. I remember playing Fallout as a child and my dad reading all the text to me. Best parent of all time.
What an Asshole.
Is it sponsored by Mountain Dew or Frito Lay?
I swear to God, if Kotaku US got rid of the Brits, I would leave the site.
Aaaand we have a winner.
Until Jesus just randomly shows up and saves everyone.
If the Kotaku staff was in Far Cry 3, who would everyone be? Totilo would be Vas.
I'm going to arrive halfway through with decorative hats.
Let's post gifs of all our sex faces.
I've never gone on Spring Break. Therefore I am boring and have the personality of toast.
Who is the strongest person at Kotaku? Physically and mentally.
People actually bought this?
We need to do this with Kotaku commenters. I will be Pharrel because obviously.
I swear to God, if there is an "Owen Good returning to Kotaku" hoax......
Thank you. As a person who wrestles with a lot of self doubt, I appreciate that.
In all seriousness, I give a shit about you guys.
I'm here for everyone on the Kotak if you guys ever need someone to talk to. My door is always open.
Now please do a Totilo versus Crecente one.
To borrow a quote, All wisdom is contained in the words "Wait and Hope".