
If you tell Siri you're drunk, she looks up cab companies for you.

This funky guy right here. My parents came home with it after a trip to the mall, deciding to give the old beige windows tower to me. And I was happy with it, until I discovered that the iMac had iMovie on it.

Mark Rosewater (Head Designer) designed that card based on the song. Apparently the coin flip involved was put in because it was too good if it killed everything it touched.

you could just play Limited formats like Draft or Sealed, which use either 3 or 6 boosters you buy on the spot and keep after it's all over. Constructed is crazy at this point, meaning a pretty big commitment. But the nice thing about Limited is the accessibility of it.

Pagers! I remember pagers. I also remember hating the fact I had one while all of the adults had that cool portable phone thing that was clearly powered by voodoo.

I game on a Mac. I just don't game on OS X.

This 'radio host and parent' is putting a lot of words in the developers' mouths. Sounds to me like a big load of personal denial shoved into a video game news story.

*fingers crossed* I'm ready to dump firewire 800 if this thing turns out to be cheap enough. Make that thunderbolt port worth it, LaCie!

That's not JUST a troll. That's Thrun, the last Troll. Although he's probably dead or something by now.

I'd rather just have them fix the Facebook app's generally crappiness. Maybe so it's not slow as molasses?