
West side of AMARG vs. East side of AMARG. Everything on the East side is being stripped for parts. West side are aircraft that could be called up normally within 90 days if needed, though honestly you could get those girls fired up in much less if necessary.

hey you should do the mexican navy and airforce graphic. its tiny

All the ones with white plastic are filled with fuel and fired up every 4 years, then cleaned and fuel replaced with stable oil.

Jedi should be above The Force Awakens as Evan said its total payoff the end to the six Episode Vader Fall/Redemption arc that is the heart of the story. Some of the best space battles of the original trilogy where you actually see Capital Ships fighting. Luke fully embracing and understanding his role in the

Thanks Tyler. When L-M bought us, they wanted to make sure the branding stayed consistent so nothing is changing in that respect. I'm sure we'll assimilate with Lockheed Martin's corp culture to an extent. Plus, the DoD was watching to make sure there would be no hiccups with the programs of record we're involved in.

Someone get this man out of the grays!

Yes, I have delivered two myself to Redstone (where they get refitted/stripped before auction).

Contact them I thought they are.

I think they will sell it as a poster, just contact them. I think they did that with the USAF one recently.

I’m an analyst at Sikorsky and coincidentally was looking at USG fleet figures for the Black Hawk and Seahawk today. Lot’s of As and Ls coming out of inventory in the next 10 years but M production is roughly keeping pace.

I don’t have a wall that big!

i miss my large format printer

I will second this.

All of these infographics should be sold as giant posters. I’d definitely buy them.

Tell them to put that on a poster and sell it on Amazon. I will buy it.