
I actually do find it weird but she tends to hate most women that identify as feminist. Thinks they are just doing it for attention.

Who's Pingu, CBG?

I suppose. I make all of the decisions because that's how she wants it as well. If that's not being stripped of agency then sure, it's not submissive. It feels natural to me and she seems to like it as well, no clue what situation is actually called.

Who's Pingu, Willa?

20+ replies on this new troll proof layout. I think I did decently.

Yep. Sorry your life sucks

Who's Jackson, Doug?

Lol, well you mad me laugh. I will head your words and use the y variation of bitch for now on.

Bitter old woman. Let me guess, older than 33 and you ended a relationship less than six months ago. You started to fuck around again but you're lonely and sad because you can't get as many guys as you did back when you were 25? Well let me confirm your fears, time is running out, you better go get yourself someone

It looks like a hit a nerve. Lucky for you there are plenty of cats to adopt.

She gets an allowance and on occasion I do tell her what to wear, though I don't like too all of the time. She of course makes me food and drink and relaxes with me. Works great, she says she happy and comfortable and there are plenty of laughs and smiles in the relationship. I think you are jealous and being shitty

When you read it I'm certain there will be a chapter saying exactly what you just said.

Your relationship's must be fairly shitty to be so bitter to a complete stranger on the net. Good luck with life, biooottch.

Are you trying to troll? Married people can't say "fucking rules"?

And if the man's main job is making the woman's life better as well?

Feminism exists because not all women like that dynamic. However for the few that do like it that way (and they do exist regardless of how you spin it) a traditional relationship is comfortable for them. I don't care about how other people's relationships are, all I know is that mine is good and we are both and it

It fucking rules because we are both happy, whatever though.

What makes you think that's how it is? She's not stripped of agency and locked in the house and I personally didn't force this on her. We talk about the dynamic a lot and she says it feels right to her and how she'd always envisioned married life, I certainly don't feel bad that she's happy with me. Traditional !=

You sound kinda jealous

She says it feels good to her and that being submissive doesn't make her feel less. I find it comfortable and natural and she says she does as well.