
Sorry to hear about your friend. I don’t know any Scientologists, and if there are any around here they “worship” via correspondence. I live in Canada’s butthole. So, personally not affected other than having it fuck with my popculture landscape.

Maybe it stood next to a Muslim deli and they always had to specify. Probably not though.

He (allegedly) was a severe and abusive drunk. I’d link it but I’m on a busted phone. Lol

Right? And they seem like rational and smart people. Don’t they also realize it holds them back rather than opening doors for them?

Thanks for the link!

“But for those who stay all the backlash is just “persecution” and makes them more devoted to the cause.”

I know the answer is money.

Playing against my usual tearing shit down and overall negative view of pop culture - I quite enjoy the choices she makes musically. And overall she’s not half as bad as she could be. So I’m OK with the coverage. They did it with her last record too. She wins in this bizarre pseudo feud with Katy Perry (who is a spaz

I find it unbelievable that some people still consider the possibility that Trump is a “good” “person” deep inside that emaciated co, shell of a carcass he identifies as his body.

Took a surprisingly long time for that accusation to come up.

Oh. Beyonce exploiting someone else’s popularity in order to attempt to phase them out of the equation/steal their mojo? Tell me it’s not true!

Thanks for those!

He would never commit to racism. He does it casually, and “denounces” it in the same way. He’s to dumb and shallow to give racism as we know it some real thought. Winners and losers are how he sees people. He’ll comment on their race like it was a costume or uniform they’re wearing. Same as his views on LGBTQ issues.

Oh, I’m still on board. It’s just NO ONE is publicly speaking out, in real time, against him. Ridicule him publicly and relentlessly. Make him appear totally powerless. Destroy him using his own weaponry.

I always seem to wake up from that dream.

Thanks for the measured response!


Hey! Thanks for commenting.

I’ve noticed. Anything but fawning praise is shut down.

Thanks for the recognition!