
Yes. Do you know what the word stupid means?

OK. Sure.

Coo/creativel use of a picture.


Thanks for a great reply!!

Prolly not where you’re from, but here it like telling a girl you’re not related to her.

I dunno if you’re joking or not, but I knew rape or race was going to rear it’s unattractive head. Good for you!

Grass on the field, play ball!

Actually, I’m pretty anti-(team)sports! Thanks, sugar!

Yes, in this context: what he did, his assumed knowledge of the locker room mentality in a lot (not all) of these types of things, I’m thinking it was poor judgement on his part, or a provocation.

Hey! Thanks for taking the time to respond.

Right on!

Cheerleaders are part of a team’s posse, right?

I mean there’s bad judgement all around. Actually, no one in the above story has shown any “good” judgement or common sense.

I mean, he prolly didn’t really deserve a beatdown, but the whole hanging out with the opposing team’s posse at a game is a little disrespectful and either proves poor judgement or a straight up provocation.

Cool. Did he say it as a joke? Like the punchline is ABORTIONS!!

Oh, neat! That’s the place you can buy parts for your Frankenbaby, right?

They’re the Bizarro Yrrah and Mailliw!!!

Is she a person or a fucking businessbot? She speaks in buzzwords, cliches, euphemisms and just sounds like an all around shit.

Blac Chyna? Is that like a nail polish?