
i like it so far but that social media song comes off as “cranky old dude” tho

You know how blown my mind was when I found out the guy on QI was the guy who did all those Sniglet books I read as a kid?

hahahahhahahah that’s not how running political parties works

if America gave the finger to everything i did as soon as i left my job, i’d probably tell them to fuck off too

there’s really only one thing obama could do now to please hamilton nolan and the chuds of kinja

christ, nolan’s trolling the gawker media empire ™️now. is this part of the rebellion against univision

I glossed over this then came back to it and I’m glad I did.

Would you settle for Edgar Allan Poe and Davy Crocket?

Also, 17 years isn’t really “nearly 20 years”

Shit, I’d watch Liam Neeson as the Man in Black or as Roland. Can you imagine him saying, “I do not kill with my gun; he who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father. I kill with my heart”? He would absolutely nail the shit out of that shit. But he’d also absolutely sell shit like “Death. But not for

And we laughed and laughed and laughed.

Godzilla vs. Destoroyah was on the other day and it’s DOOOOOOOPE.

Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but Rife’s tone is verging on blasphemous insult to the greatest series of films ever.


Promoted from Assistant Equipment Manager.


Teenagers eating fast food!? [Clutches pearls so hard they are crushed to a fine powder.]

And yet you’re still alive.

Like to see what happens to “protocol” after Black students start calling the campos on every Chad and Caitlyn sparking up in their dorm or napping on the quad.