Right? Yeah, an MS is great and all, but jesus, don’t use it to prop up your self-image.
Right? Yeah, an MS is great and all, but jesus, don’t use it to prop up your self-image.
cool story!
u mad
lol @ people who say “just saying”
Huh, having never seen the movie, I just always assumed American Beauty presented Spacey as a creepy middle-aged man leching on a teenager (like an prestige arthouse Poison Ivy), not a noble everyman that the world juts doesn’t understand.
Pretty sure Edgar Wright agrees with you (as does the original author). The point is that Scott is an asshole. It doesn’t celebrate whiny hipster jagoffs. It’s an indictment of them.
Lists of tweets are not a new thing, son.
Trump continues to make the world safe for White people to appropriate a seminal Black artist’s credibility for no good reason.
All baseball games are meaningless. All games are meaningless. Except the most dangerous game, of course.
I’m with you fellers.
Bosses in certain industries are extremely aggressive when it comes to hiring paramilitary forces of strikebreakers to murder workers.
Chris Rock said some of the same stuff on his last special. Cops aren’t paid enough. Pay cops more and you get better cops. I don’t necessarily buy it, but I don’t think it’s prima facie ridiculous and idiotic like “arm teachers.”
Change US copyright law so that YouTube isn’t incentivized to restrict how we consume their content?
In the real world, you are limited by the map God has provided, the matter he’s created, and the physics he established.
It’s about time white people got their due!
Surf music is a variation on rock and roll. Rock and roll was largely the creation of Black Americans. And ground zero for the surf guitar sound is Sister Rosetta Tharpe. She was the original guitar god, and was ignored by the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame for 34 years, and even to this day hasn’t been properly inducted.
One of the most prominent, popular instruments of bluegrass music is the banjo. I’ll give you one guess as to what continent the banjo originated on. Here’s a 250 year old clue.