
I'm not sure about the other gods, but getting killed by humans in service to others is kinda Jesus's shtick.

I listened to the audio book and yeah, same here. I kept thinking she was saying papi. But then they tell the story of his pet name and how Laura wanted a puppy and Shadow said he'd be her puppy and I was like "ooooooooooh".

"I have a stomach ache."

I think we see her another time. There's a scene where they're on the train with the exploding corpses. At one point Lawrence and William are behind her and at another, they aren't. At first I thought it was a weird angle, but now I'm sure that we're seeing present day Dolores on the same train, without the company.

The MiB says that the robots used to be built differently and now they have blood and bones, not clockwork. The robots that William shoots and sees die don't have clockwork, but blood. It's the same timeline, not 30 years apart.

I think when the author wrote "It also helps that Maggie Sawyer is the most exciting non-Superman addition to the Supergirl cast in a long time. " they meant "addition who wasn't Superman" not "addition from the Superman universe."

I find it interesting that Bernard is "grooming" Dolores for this quest. But Maeve is doing all of this on her own. It's an interesting counterpoint and one I hope they explore more.

After last week's "it's not for you" and this week having Bernard and the little girl both instruct Dolores to find the maze, I'm fairly certain the maze is a quest for the Hosts, not the Guests. I think MiB is both right and wrong in his search. He's looking to find a quest that takes the safeties off of the park. I

It looked like he was directing the robots AWAY from the giant crushing machine, not towards it.

When Lyanna says "he must not find out", I'm fairly certain she's speaking of Robert, not Rhaegar, as Rhaegar is dead at this point.

I've already chatted with Netflix customer service to say how much I loved the series and want season 2. From what I've heard, that's a great way of showing Netflix what to pick up/renew.

She is not crying the same way that I AM NOT SCREAMING!

Some of the characters seem to take the whole thing in stride while others completely freak out. Lito for instance, gets some PMS side effects, but seems to care more about the traffic he gets stuck in than magically being transported to Korea. Riley seems to chalk it all up to drugs and Sun doesn't look like anything

I had a similar problem of having to explain to everyone I was playing with what the Trail of Tears was.

Oh no! LaVar and his non-celebrity companion!!