

That's all well and good, but it's like saying everyone's entitled to their opinion. Well, yeah, sure. But some opinions are more interesting and better fleshed-out and more supported by the text of whatever than others. It's perfectly valid to say, I think this critical read of XYZ ignores several things to prove

Yeah, I read about it after I finished the series. It just increased my frustration with the character, because suddenly the hard right turn they did with him made sense, but not in a good way. It made it clear they were only setting him up as a villain from the comics they could use in the forthcoming Netflix

This is part of why I find Simpson's arc so frustrating when he just…

The presence of Lester Freamon does bring up unfair comparisons to The Wire.

I think his arc basically works up until toward the end, where he becomes purely a plot device. It's soured me on the character, but I do think his interaction with Trish in this episode is well-done.

It is interesting to think about how Jeri/Pam would be perceived if Hogarth was still a male character. Because I think it still IS sleazy. She's still a very rich, middle-aged woman dumping her long-term spouse for her much-younger secretary. Who she entered into a relationship with while this person was her

Outlander, I think? Though it's functionally 8-episode half seasons, since it takes one of those annoying months-long break in the middle of them. I didn't love everything about the way the first season was structured, but I don't think the episode order was the problem, and it allowed them to build out the world in

The Leftovers is a LOT more about short-story style episodes this year, and has gotten much better for it. That was what I always loved about LOST as well. I never cared much about the sprawling mythology, but I loved the short-story quality every episode had due to the flashbacks.

I'm not sure Jessica Jones sustains it even in its 13, is the thing. I think it's about 10 episodes worth of story that then does some vaguely contrived things to keep the plot from resolving, much as I liked it all of it. I didn't love the stand-alone job plot in this one, but it worked decently and built out the

I hoped that at the start of the season, but at this point I don't want it to end like this. I hope they get a renewal for one, and only one, more season that they can close out right.

I keep wondering how Thack became friends with Gallinger. Like, it requires its own damn flashback. I'd think there are tons of young doctors who want to be surgeons at this time, and I'd think Gallinger's persistent incompetence would put Thack off.

Hey, amazing catastrophe though it was, the cast was not the problem with that movie. I thought Jordan escaped with his dignity intact better than the others.

I'll pause and watch most of the Rocky movies if I come across them, so that ain't bad.

Finally watching this again tonight. Jessica Jones has eaten my TV time. I know Amazon probably doesn't care so much over viewership figures, but I do wonder if they regret their timing with it, since the conversation kind of flew past it.

I came to this comments section to marginally defend "Attack of the Clones," because I still think the parts of it that are just Obi-Wan playing detective and totally divorced from the Anakin/Padme stuff work pretty well.

She's been in movies I consider good. Easy A is probably her best performance I can point to, since it's both a decent movie and you actually can see how it wouldn't work without her performance at the center of it.

Been re-reading these today. I miss the DS9 comments section. A thing I never thought I'd write about an Internet comments section. That is all.

I'm surprised it's not talked about more, given how influential it was (it looked like basically no other sitcom on TV when it aired, now a ton of sitcoms look a little bit like it). It's one of those shows I'll always pause on when I'm flipping channels, if I catch a rerun.

Shipka's fantastic, but it's a clear case of the show just getting lucky. She was cast because she had the right look, and it turned out that, when they gave her good material, she was able to act the hell out of it. They wrote more Sally stuff once they realized what the actress could handle.