
I like Season 3 more in hindsight. Parts of it were dumb, but at least it was trying something different. Sons reverted so much to (over-long) formula as it went on that I would've gladly had more trips to Ireland.

If the husband was straight, this would require a lot more explanation. So good!

It's all on Youtube, God have mercy on our souls. For anyone who needs a weekend hatewatch, I highly recommend.

I definitely prefer Orwell as a writer to Huxley, even if the "Brave New World" dystopia is more compelling/believable. I've reread "1984" a handful of times, but never felt compelled to revisit "Brave New World," much as I enjoyed it.

Same. My parents bought them for me, on the assumption that if I liked the game and liked reading books I would like the "Myst" books, even though I was kind of a juvenile snob about tie-in novels. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed them once I sat down and read them. They were certainly better than they needed

It was nice to see him with a non-shaved hairline again. I've always enjoyed Mad Men's slight uglying up of Vincent Karthaiser.

That was my first thought. Then I realized Voyager had premiered like 20 years ago, and my second thought was, "I got old."

It was bizarre and really took me out of the episode. I'd be better-able to pretend that Alicia and Kalinda had parted as friends if the show wasn't constantly reminding me of the behind-the-scenes weirdness behind Archie Panjabi's departure.

Crazy talk, sir!

This isn't actually terrible for a first year ballot, even if it's way too early for Minecraft.

American Beauty could straight up not be made today (not in the least because the cushy suburban jobs were at a magazine and in real estate), and I'm not sure whether that's good (because oh God it's insufferable and naive) or crushingly sad. It has definitely become this weird 1999 curio piece in a way I don't think

I still wish the books had actually done this.

I also really enjoy the also ham-fisted anti-nuclear bomb stuff in "The Magician's Nephew."

I submit to you "Order of the Phoenix," which I think is an outright bad book in places. "Chamber of Secrets" I just enjoy less than the rest of the non-OthP Potter books, but it's still fine. Comparable to "Prince Caspian" on that level.

I was always a fan of the Sexy Shirtless Sayid scenes, but they did not go to that well often enough either.

2 Broke Girls is terrible, and he's part of the overall collage of terribleness.

This explains so much about Matt Taibbi.

Very interesting read. Thanks for the link.

It pretty much encapsulates the idea of "love it or hate it." I don't think any fan of the show just kinda thinks it's OK.

Given how little use for him I had in Season 1, I was always surprised by how happy I was to see Boone again every time he popped up. By Season 6, I was half-hoping he'd be back full-time when they did the sideways (and I'd have probably liked the season more if they'd done this).