
Is "Outlander" really from a male-dominated storytelling genre? It's a romance. It's other things as well, but the books are explicitly romance novels more than they're anything else, and that's the one genre that's very specifically female-gaze driven, even if some of the common tropes it employs are kinda messed

This was my thought and I was disappointed.

Oh, Final Fantasy 8. Your cultural impact lives on in the very few Tripod and Geocities pages that have survived.

People can overreact all they want. It's our right as Americans or something. But the culture of amplified over-reaction to everything is something I find toxic and wearying. Far more so politically than about ultimately meaningless pop culture stuff, but I do think it's all part of the same problem. We like to

I certainly find the reaction to outrage on it baffling. It's instant-reaction nattering without reflection or fact-checking. I don't hate that it exists, but I'm certainly not obliged to think it's meaningful discourse.

I like what he's doing with "The Flash" and "Arrow," and he certainly did not-great family dramas (I'm looking at you, "Brothers and Sisters"). My Best Thing from him will always be "Everwood," though, and I'd be happy if he essentially just copy-pasted scripts with new actors.

I ended up wishing they hadn't just come out and said Bobby becomes president at the end of the pilot, because I always found Matt Long and Jack more compelling. It was depressing to think of him just dead in the future, even if we are all technically dead in the future.

Remembering that Val Kilmer could've, at one time, been a perfectly plausible Jaime Lannister was probably the saddest Ravages of Time part of that list.

Yeah, I always liked him as Quentin #1. I didn't mind Quentin #2, but the sudden aging-up was bizarre and the show had become unwatchable by then for other reasons. It's too bad that experience soured him on acting, though it sounds like he's doing just fine outside it.

Jake worked because he was just a normal kid. And because he didn't do the Wesley Crusher idolization of Star Fleet thing. He actually chose a non-SF job, which made their dynamic when Nog became an officer fun.

I now regret it didn't run today. An April 1 A+ review of it would've been delightful.

Tricia Tanaka is Dead improved a lot for me upon rewatch.

I just realized. "Stranger in a Strange Land" is next week, y'alls!!!!!!!! I've been waiting for this, because I'm sort of terrible.

As much as "Heroes" has sort of become a punchline, I still rewatch the first season occasionally on whatever streaming service has it on a given month, and "Company Man" is a damn fine hour of television. I remember watching and enjoying both shows, though I was only vaguely plugged into online TV conversation at

I'm a woman in her 30s and I'm baffled by how common the ZOMG PORN IS EVIL CHEATING thing is among women. I try not to judge, because your comfort level is your comfort level, but how do these people have an honest relationship ever?

I'd put Awake over Lonestar, albeit probably only because it actually aired its entire first season. Jason Isaacs was awesome and it entirely allowed itself to be weird, even while still being kin of a cop show. I miss it.

I cannot in good conscience upvote this. But I laughed.

This was my first thought. Nick needs to be a gigantic doofus. I think Hamm's a better dramatic actor than Ben Affleck, but Affleck's got a better 'duh' face.

I don't feel like he ruined Megan's life. He aided whatever success she's going to have in a lot of ways, even if he was a terrible husband. Their marriage was short enough, and she was young enough, that she can look back on it as that weird thing she did for a few years and be thankful she wasn't trapped in it by

Anyone watching Season 3 of The OC should be damn grateful to have Johnny's death spoiled for them.