

Sooooo, did Deadspin get Splintered?

Single reverse. The player made an end-around, the ball reversed directions once, then was lateraled back to the QB to throw the ball. The ball reversed directions only once during the play.

This game has given me such a huge schadenboner, so you are not alone

I switched to the Brave browser just for the GMG sites.

The Fernando Rodney Experience is a wild ride, indeed

Harper is a man of his word. At his press conference with the Phillys, he told everyone “We want to bring a title back to DC

For the Batter-Runner: K

I might have to check them out. This is what I want out of a wrestling show. More “sports” and less “entertainment”. More wrestling, and less soap-opera, like in the old JCP/WCW days. WCW tried to out WWF the WWF by hiring Russo and ruined a good product. I have not been able to stomach pro-wrestling since the botched

Speaking as someone who is half Chinese -- Fuck China.

Oddly enough, traffic was lighter than usual this morning

$5-10 for a single cosmetic item is not uncommon. That single purchase is going to cover your individual server use for several months (continuous) at a minimum.

The ref got really confused by what people mean by “Head cannon”

So, if they hate people who are anti-facist, do they not realize that they are saying they are PRO facists? No, they do not know that because they do not use Earth logic.

US Trademark law requires them to defend their TM or lose it. Any slight infringement must be challenged. This is why any mobile game with the word “Saga” was hounded by the makers of Candy Crush Saga, because they felt that if the did not defend their TM (because it had the word Saga in it) they could lose it.

I think people are really overthinking this.

It will probably be as simple as being able to deactivate your key for the game for a full refund. IF the game is still available for purchase, you could always buy a new key.

Fuck him.

I loved MADTv (X-news, Spishak, and Stewart were some of my favorite skits), but yeah, one is topical and still on TV and the other is not. As much as people like to crap on SNL for not being as good as it used to be, but it is still on the air. More power to them.