
Every odd number is an even number + 1. Therefore odd is better ;)

And if they truly were independent contractors, they could set their own prices and have a fleet of sub-contractors under them that use their own branded vehicles...

I really want VT to play him anyway and force this issue with the NCAA and dare them to vacate games (well after they are played anyway) and make this the hill the NCAA has to die on. Fuck the NCAA

On the Nats broadcast on MASN (I was not watching the O’s feed on MASN2) they showed a clip of the confrontation after coming back from the commercial break between innings.

I have never understood the complaint of “added launchers”

He said he was looking for a Large

Playoffs are fun until the league adopts a BASEketball style playoff system.

U.S. Soccer would rather pay people to lobby congress that the women are paid equally rather than pay the women equally.

Caster Semenya Won’t Be Allowed To Defend Her 800-Meter Title At The World Championships

If that is the only qualification of someone being a woman to you, I think you will be in for a bit of a shock...

Then that begs the question, “What defines a woman, biologically?”, and here we are.

“I got that reference!”

Local O’s fan here, I second your motion.

I could not agree more. This is assault with the intent to do bodily injury.

$15 / hr is not alot of money considering the push to try to get states to go to a $15 / hr minimum wage.

It follows the same rules as an uncaught 3rd strike. 1st base has to be unoccupied, unless there are two outs.

What does it matter that it is a non-profit organization or not? It is a common misconception that a non-profit is not allowed to make a profit.
Non-profit organizations, in fact, make a lot of profit, it is just not the primary goal of the organization like a for-profit company. Source: My wife has a Masters in

You have just made my day. I need to try this tonight

Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses”

Some places I have been to will not bring out boxes. They take away the plates to the the kitchen and box it up for you while it is out of your sight. Rarely, I have seen them box it up for you at the table.