
Since he is going on Sean Hannity’s show it sounds like he would rather cry with the sinners than laugh with the Saints 

Lemme guess. You read the box but didn’t watch the game. Mario Chalmers was getting the benefit of the doubt against Curry. He really does get a tough whistle for a superstar. That says, he reaches far more than he should too.

So they were sent walking in Memphis by the officials, but do they really feel the way they feel?

Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!!

Oh man. You just out-condescended a condescending atheist. That’s incredible!

As an athiest, I take exception to your claim that we all have souls. But keep living the dream.

That dude’s name is Tyler, and his buddy Bryce picked him up outside the stadium. Count it.


I hope this Louis CK shit is getting you laid or something. All of those quotes are from his act. You guys really haven’t learned anything have you? You should take your own advice.

This is a trash opinion.

I hope Louis hits you with his car so maybe then people will think he’s the bad person you all want the world to think he is. The man has done nothing to Gawker yet this entire network has done nothing but defame his name. I look forward to the day someone decides to compile all these articles and then sues the shit

Louis CK’s act is to be the opposite of PC. Don’t confuse that with people who are legitimately disgusting humans. If you had any integrity you would remove his picture.

I like it. And I don’t see the problem here whatsoever.

Remember this, everyone?

Where I work has the conference room giant windows that look directly into an apartment building. I cannot tell you how many times someone’s been droning on about budgets and I’ve glanced over and seen naked people, drunk people, cats, or people doing all kinds of drugs. It does help with super boring meetings.

Mamma Mia, that’s a spicy meatball!

It’s because conservatives have been so effective in convincing Americans than public health care is for Communists.

Your argument is a bit more on the nose. McCain’s silence on Merrick Garland and vote to kill the 60 vote threshold for judicial nominees seem to indicate no reverence for standards.

Also can’t forget voting against almost every one of his own policies once Obama tried to adopt them as a form of compromise.

And in fact he was a lousy soldier, graduating at the bottom of his Annapolis class (which means flunking calculus and not turning in work, rather than being a rebel), getting wings he almost certainly didn’t qualify for, and dodging a well deserved grounding because he was Navy royalty. Most men don’t get a chance to