
I was under the impression greek men viewed gay relationships as the “right” way to do things, and being with a woman as just a necesity for the sake of procreation. Just hearsay, mind you, but I’ve read enough biographies from that era to see why one would think that.

I haven’t tried online at all so I’m not sure how it works, will have to do that later today.

I get that you are trying to be nice but...

So you go back to your hometown and find everyone is dead, and because of your choice no less, so you expect Kassandra to drop to her knees and cry?

Found one from Hori around the same price as those two, called Fightin Stick mini 4, any idea about it?

Yeah, I was considering the mayflash actually, since it’s readily available in my local store and reasonably priced.

I’m considering finally getting one of these.

I get that, a no-call is a no-call in the end, but can you actually call that out? Are the rules clear? Do all players know the same rules?

The organizers were still unsure of what to do, since LowHigh’s own screen couldn’t be seen on the tournament’s main feed and there seemed to be no way to verify what had happened.”

My greatest gripe so far with the character creation is:

Well, if you take into account this is probably just a cheaply made jaket being sold at 8k dollars, based solely on taking advantaje of the series most passionate fans (who else is gonna wanna buy this?), I’d say it’s kinda evil?

Been playing non-stop for two days now, and so far it’s great!

Anyone who has beaten Sif has spent enpugh time between his legs to notice there’s no sword there.


I’ve played all the soul caliburs and character creation is the most important part of it for me.

Did I read that right? Fox McCloud is featured in the campaign of a PS and xbox game?

Wow, rockstar is really making headlines lately, wouldn’t be surprized if it’s all just a plot to keep outlets, both in favor and against, talking about them all throughout launch.

You gullible lot, clearly this is a covert game anouncement:

Good thing I decided to get up to date with my channels during work hours, I got to see all the stuff I wanted and now I got two days worth of work to keep me occupied during the outage!

You think? I actually got the opposite impression, like media tends to portray it favorably, with many site even recommending it as one of the “must do’s” of japan, but the people on the streets don’t seem to like it very much.