
As a latin-american spanish speaker, personally, I cannot tolerate the word “jueguito/s”, I’m in no way qualified to try and refute your claim that it has been reclaimed by some portion of the community, but whenever I’ve heard it, it was being used in either a patronizing derogatory tone, the kind mass media uses

Man, I wanna do cosplay again...

I’ve taken a few in BotW myself, but the game that really got me taking screenshots was Gravity Rush 2.

On the last paragraph, who is Mizuguchi-sTan? Is it Mizuguchi's american cousin?

“Cussing and sex! This is not a kids game!”

I’m SO stoked for this game, it’s not an armored core, but it looks close enogh to work on me, who knows, it might even be diferent in a new and unexpected way.

It’s not? I thought I saw it on psn a few days ago...

Breaking news: Valve kills everyone’s dogs, molests everyone’s younger siblings, smuggly demmands pizza, internet nerds comply.

Oh man, blade runner and the fifth element work SO well, damn!

Yeah, there are SO MANY thing that could have gone so horribly wrong, it almost feels like her guardian angel was like “No bitch, you are going to survive just so you can rot in jail and learn your fucking lesson, I do NOT want to explain your death to my colleagues, not like this.”

Man, rich people really have more money than brain cells, don’t they...

I feel bad for the owner who had to put the place back together afterwards, but man, that woman goin for the ventilation shaft has seen one too many movies...

Is it? I thought it was the handle of the other girl’s broom that is off camera and curves upwards at the end.

Oh, you needn’t worry as it’s impossible to slip off a broom in flight. The broom might keep you up in the air, but it’s your will that makes it fly, so no matter how fast you fly or how sharp you turn, the broom will always be wherever you will it to be.

See, that’s a common misconception among young witches, it’s a clever because it adds some padding, but it doesn’t resolve the problem: in a bike, most of your weight actually rests on the pedals and the handle bar, not the seat, the seat’s main purpose is to stop your butt from swaying side to side when you turn,

I can’t help but cringe a little at the woman riding straigh on her clit in the curviest way possible, which, unless she’s pleasuring herself with the broom in some male-imagined way, shows her lack of technique when riding a broom. Sideways saddle, sit on your buttcheeks, they are literally designed for that, as

Absolver, nice!

I know what you are saying all too well, botw is getting me super close to that point really, it’s great fun, but after a while I just can’t seem to find any motivation to play it.

That's not how you wear a pouch belt...

That’s exactly what I felt about the visuals, nothing matched, you got beautiful handrawn ilustrations that turned into pixelated sprites? Ok that’s standard jrpg stuff, just gets your imagination running, but then you look at the maps and they look straight out of minecraft, and I’m like “what the hell?”. And you