I played the demo last night and gotta say, I’m a little underwelmed...
I played the demo last night and gotta say, I’m a little underwelmed...
Quedtion, how does one plug a yeadset into the switch when it’s in tv mode?
Hey, I’m not asking for anything, it’s their game, they can spin it however they like!
Oh man, that psvr fromsoft game came out of nowhere, I havent been this excited about a press event since.... Like, never...
I didnt like the overall bive...
Not a fan of trying to shove world building down peoples throat before you explain why we should be at all interested in this world to begin with, but I guess everything has to have “lore” nowadays...
Oooooh yeah, I’m so up for all that!
It’s almost as if creating a piece of media that glorifies the worst aspects of human nature atracts the worst kinds of people!
Now that you bring zelda to the mix, what’s the diference, functionaly speaking, in exchanging exp for levels in, I presume, assassins creed and exchanging botw hero balls for health or stamina?
What does RPG stand for in this case?
I don’t think your neckbearded 4chan dwelling strawman is to blame in this case.
This is so cool, I wonder how big you can make it before it stops working...
Question, what’s the legality of fanzines looking like?
Oh wow, another game I apreciate having but will probably never play.
Star citizen is looking more and more like the most elavorate nigerian prince scam in history, I mean, you bought into the kickstarter, you bought a premium pack, you paid for all the ships, are you gonna back out NOW? Think of all the money you already spent, it will be meaningless if you back out!
2 years in prison? Seriously?
Tip for veterans: Stay on you guard, the influx of new players means vagrants are now a very real thing that will happen and will wreck your shit if caught by surprise.
How much reading is involved in playing Splatoon 2? Both single and multiplayer.
Wow, this is really interesting...
Hey, if you think you can do it just go for it man, I’m in for wierd stuff.