
I got the apk and decided to take it for a spin through town...

Stories: The Path of Destinies, which I recently discovered on a PSN sale, and boy, it’s GOOD. Sure, it’s got one of the worst titles I’ve ever seen for a game, but the game is solid gold, something like Bastion mixed with Majora’s Mask, go try it people, specially now that’s on sale.

Is Pop: Revelations just Warrior Within for the PSP?

Reminds me of a guy I knew who couldn’t create a facebook account because his surename was “Fucks”, he had to email facebook his birth certificate to prove he wasn’t messing with them...

I just bought Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, C.U.B.E and N.E.R.O on PSN, so I’m gonna be trying those out for sure.

I was under the impression that emulating games was not entirely legal...


I’ll never unerstand these chinese clones, in the hardware zone, it makes sense, factory employees have access to matrixes and other info that would allow them to make an exact copy of a product and sell it with a different brand strapped on it, but software?

Anywhere I can read a full diggest? I kinda missed it.

Well, I kinda hope they take a souls-break, I’m interested to see what they’ll come up with, and I’ve got enough souls game to last me for a while now. Not so thrilled to see they are working on -another- dark fantasy setting, I was hopping for a more radical change, but hey, I trust they know what they are doing.

Now playing

I can’t agree with your list, not if you are only going to show games with either big names or some degree of success, I think you are taking the trailer as part of a bigger package instead of judging it by it’s own merits. Selling “hype” is not a good measure of trailer quality either, Shigeru Miyamoto could write

Haha, goes to show the power of actually knowing image composition, he can create really nice looking screenshots, of the actual finished product, without bullshoting them.

Hey, since you mentioned it, anyone know any good MMO (not necessarily an RPG, but it doesn’t hurt either) for playing on your own?

You are not entirely wrong, flash memory is cheaper now than it ever was, but it’s still more expensive than optical discs, and it’s super easy to hack and fiddle with, unless you use these custom chips you mentioned to keep things safe, but that adds even more cost for production.

Wait, I read the review, how is it all that different from what Yahtzee does on Zero Punctuation? A pessimistic look on anything and everything just because he can, trying to bait the rage of the game’s ardent fans. The only noticeable difference is that this guy is not “in”, he’s not from the hood, he’s an outsider

No, Bloodborne does not, in fact, look better in this video.

Ticket to Ride: Worldwide Edition

I’m staying in Rumor Plaza Kyoto right now, takes a bit of getting used to like any other capsule hotel, specially if you are not used to communal baths, but it’s a great hotel, more like a spa with beds actually.

Gender issues aside, I’m pretty sure managing PewDiePie’s or Markiplier’s channels would be way more interesting, so why focus exclusvely on cam girls? A game where you manage a whole spectrum of streamers and content creators sounds like a lot of fun, seems like a lost opportunity to me.

I wonder just how much it weights, I can’t help but look at it and thin I could have wielded it better than they did in the demo, with all that “blade droping”. The again, these are grown men who work in smithing, I’m sure they must be pretty strong, so that thing must weight a ton...