
Great, let me just add that to my things to do in Tokyo this April list!

Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t I am Alive and Savage Moon already come up as Plus games before?

The absolutely worst way to die in Dark Souls is by getting invaded by a twink in Undead Parish on your way to the gargoyles, who then proceeds to insta kill you with an over powered pyromancy hand, or a lightning infused weapon.

I have a huge backlog to go through, as many gamers surely can relate.

I mean, by the looks of this, it could very well be there are no two separate things, the “console” and the “portable” are just two parts of the same thing.


I hope there’s a version with only the headset and the game, becuase I already own all the rest.

Sounds like you have a pretty dire case of motion sickness, guess VR is not compatible with you,

Oh, good to know it’s compatible with Dualshoes, I thought I’d have to take off a shoe everytime I wanted to play.

Hahaha, sadly, I don’t think this will make it to PSN, tough it might run on my old pc, not sure where I’m gonna get 8 controllers for it...

Listen here mate, if somebody is tryign to move the goal post here it’s you, putting words on other people’s mouth.

“As the majority of our audience is males 18-35"

I... I’m not... sure... what’s going on...

Stop fooling yourself, this is nothing like Dark Souls, not by a long shot. The movements are different, not just on how the look but on how the feel, the aesthetic of combat is not even close.

Do these games have somethign new in them? Or is it just the same software on a different cartridge?

It makes sense, what better way to kick off a new console than with a new entry on one of you most succesfull and well known franchises.

By “going places” you mean the exact same place every mod community eventually goes?

Makes me super exited!

Any intel on what this means for those of us who play in the latin american server?

Oh, silly me, I don’t look much into Xbox releases since I don’t have one...