You want the polite answer or the honest answer?
You want the polite answer or the honest answer?
Thoroughly enjoyed this read but got tripped up by this paragraph...
Yay, here’s your helping of sloppy seconds America.
Front-end strikes me as bulky and artificially inflated like a Titan XD...
I like the diesel option (especially being a straight 6) but 3.0l is a little bit weany for a big ute...
Oil press. delay obviously depends on engine and temp but I’m guessing for most vehicles it’s actually a lot longer than people think.
Sorry deezler - I should’ve worded my opening statement a little better - read it carefully and you’ll see I wasn’t actually insulting you at all...
Unless the Cruise company installed floors at a 10deg angle and wanted pendulum effect hanging signs, it’s a safe bet you didn’t actually watch the damn video.
While fin stabilisers are impressive in delivering a smooth stable ride in mild swells, they simply can’t compensate for a legitimately cranked up sea (which…
Yes, because Subaru’s are less renowned than the RS for having head gasket issues or engine failures of any kind!?
Keep parping on about having dodged a bullet while you’re holding a live grenade my friend.
Source: Personal experience with EJ257 head gasket failure followed up by rod bearing knock a few thousand miles…
All that tells me is that you’re either a liar, an idiot Mech. Eng. or there’s actually no solid consensus even in industry... I’m going with the latter.
Not sure exactly for old pascar stuff but older HD diesel clatter was generally a limitation of mechanical timing and/or injection systems that made it difficult to tune a nice quiet idle without compromising performance elsewhere.
I guess if the deal on that Mini is good enough, I could change my name to Lian and start calling my wife Emile. I’ve done weirder things for a deal on a car.
You’re underestimating the strength of good ice (10" will safely hold a 7-8ton truck) but regardless, this isn’t a topic that you should ever consider throwing “probably only” guesstimates around for...
No... because it’s not? How much air do you think a Smart needs?
Ever look at a weedwacker intake?
If it doesn’t have an obvious indicator (like the small arrow head), sometimes the gas pump icon itself will have the handle on the same side as the filler - a neat little detail that I overlooked for many years but has held true on every vehicle I’ve been in that didn’t have an arrow.
now ribbed for extra strength...
Because 21st century units (aka. Metric or SI units)...
So whats “unlike anything we’ve built before”?, besides the taillight.
No doubt there’s a meaningful population of people that think just like you but reality is you’re part of a minority in the spectrum of global racing. It’s a go-to example for something that sucks because it is so damn... unexciting...?
Something the article is a little short-sighted on is that engine performance generally improves in the first few thousand miles as the engine breaks-in and also beyond.
You’ll find a whole lot of debate (even amongst OEM’s) on the topic of “how and when is an engine broken in” but what is universally accepted is that…
...or a couple times my health suddenly turning.