Oh this sounds like a terrific old chestnut... there’s nothing in this that sounds like a snake oil story at all.
Oh this sounds like a terrific old chestnut... there’s nothing in this that sounds like a snake oil story at all.
Oh you poor shallow deluded soul... you’ll be back wrenching on heavy equipment inside 10yrs and wondering “what the fuck was I thinking”.
Everything you could ever want is in NYC except quality of living and affordable housing.
Ummmm... using leather cleaner weekly means you’re the reason for cracking and wrinkling.
Is it weird that I now have a crush on your wife?
Yes... Cummins. Just not every platform. The vast majority of their manufacturing is still very much on-shore US.
I’m VERY curious on how they planned on making apex seals survive in the sooty mess left behind from diesel combustion... from what I hear, making them survive in gas engines is challenge enough?
Would need to be directly linked to the power unit to ensure timing of the air charge/discharge is correct.
Are you truly this fucking dumb? Nobody but you can believe you are a professional writer with a mindset like this.
Everyone seems to have focused on cost, cost, cost as an answer to your question but the more likely scenario is simply that their testing and validation process failed to identify this as a possible scenario.
As much as you can try to model and simulate every possible real-world scenario, at the end of the day, it’s…
What specifically makes it douchey?
Is that not a childhood photo of David? Looks like him in the Driver’s seat...
Have to disagree... I have a soft spot for some Porsche Design merchandise because its exploratory and strikes me as terrific design - their cars simply don’t hit that same spot for me and I’ll never own one.
Evidently you and Tom.
Ahhhh... that familiar scent of hypocrisy wafting up from the comments section, must be good Jalopnik.
Roshan is on point with this;
You’ve missed the point here Stef- “Static” is a critical key word and the fine was imposed because it was a genuinely terrible burnout for any self-respecting V8 Supercar driver (or regular Aussie for that matter).
The fine itself is used to discourage the onset of the terrible US style burnouts where panic ensues…
Can I at least get pulled out of the grays for my contribution that would’ve saved you a bunch of time?
I think you meant “I laughed and everyone hates me”?
The second I read “I tried turning the starter over, and noticed that there was zero compression” my head went to valve timing.
I also knew the sound you heard... not the typical oscillating rewREWrewREWrewREWrew but the disconcertingly smooth and higher pitched rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :-)