
This is why we always toggle on walk and search for landmines when entering a new room....

Should've used a Stimpack when he had the chance.

A Doctor's Bag should fix that right up.

Yeah, I really don't understand the need to attach aesthetic value to it. It's great to know what a healthy or unhealthy cervix looks like and even how it can change throughout your cycle (for instance, if you use fertility awareness as birth control). Knowledge is power after all! But body acceptance certainly

Nope. I'm with you. This was pretty much my face:

your point is much better.

I suggested that my granddaughters go dressed as Tea Party members so they can denounce the socialism of giving away candy to everyone just because they showed up and demanding a free market Halloween solution that denies everyone any candy unless they already have candy, in which case they can keep it. Those without

I/my friends don't care, generally. Objectively it's just as tasteless as talking about a woman's breasts, but the people who bring it up around black guys think that they're being complimentary (instead of just reducing us to a sexual object). When such discussion came up, I would casually tell people that I have a

How is this stereotype viewed by black men? Do they even care? Do they say to each other, "at least I'm bigger than a white dude"?

And a douche online? :)

This is real life, you jackass. God I can't stand guys like this.

"Well sure I did COMPLETE DOUCHE ACT X, but I'm *REALLY* a nice guy, I swear!" Sure you are, buddy. Unfortunately for you actions speak louder than words.

That went horribly wrong.

I think we can all agree square shovels are evil, b/c really, what's the point?

So much this. Willow is the most powerful person in the world, effectively. She's human, she's not a superhero, she saves the world when even the Slayer can't. The same world she nearly destroyed when she went dark side after the death of her partner.


I am appalled that she was left off the list for consideration. She clearly wins.

I just wet my pants. My employer thanks you for having to buy a new office chair.

I'm so glad this Columbia University random woman was able to get a major career boost.

We don't have COTD any more, but I shared this to Groupthink. I HAD TO DO SOMETHING, IT WAS TOO GOOD NOT TO