
I'm in awe of your ability to focus on just one problem to the exclusion of all other possible issues. Good for you.

I had to google Boardy Barn, which is just another bar/club in the same neighborhood. Apparently the Hamptons are incestuous in more ways than the traditional one.

I'm obviously not saying she can't have one, I'm saying it's belittling that this is somehow important to her career and accomplishments, as if it's on par with her professional credentials.

I don't know, Jez, that's awful judgmental about a gig with 2 for $5 COORS LIGHT and something called a "fishbowl" that may or may not contain fish (?)

Or about any romantic involvements at all? Not all stories about powerful, smart women need to be turned into rom-coms to be relevant to the ladiez, people!

I'm sure Mr. Schubert gets that question all the damn time.

I hear they make your hair look amazing.

OMG, yes! This is a great idea.

I really just picture him, but every time he opens his mouth, he just makes that movement/noise. As in "transgender kids don't deserve equal protection under the lawnomnomnomnom..."

There has to be a way to take it back. They don't deserve it.

So in my head, this guy looks like this:

Can I be the Richie Rich necklace?

OOooo... now I feel a little bad, like I've mocked a grumpy puppy or something.

Wow. Just wow. I actually think this makes me feel better about his malarkey. There's obviously something else going on here than just plain old misogyny.

Also researched extensively:

I've often wondered about that... How is this stereotype viewed by black men? Do they even care? Do they say to each other, "at least I'm bigger than a white dude"?

waitwaitwait... that pic is joke, right? As in, I'm wearing this ruffley shirt as an ironic statement about the peacock in the background?

Happy Hour:

*happy sigh* I loved that scene.

The main picture even reminds me of that time Willow tried to fit in with a group of "witches" and they all sucked compared to her.