
SO JEALOUS OF THE BOOBIES. When I was younger and didn't know about back pain, I desperately wanted the large boobs my bigger friends had. TRUTH.

Is it snotty that I see the word "orthomolecular" and immediately think, "yeah, because what that kid is suffering from is definitely a nutritional deficiency... that he's self-medicating with oxycodon... stupid enablers."? Yeah, probably.

That is possibly the blondest mother-son pair in existence.

That look on Taran's face when he comes back into frame saying "you've been busy" is kind of how we all felt, Miley. No joke.

Wait, Ursula has a "day look"? Why, does she have a workplace makeup policy she must adhere to?

I just don't picture Russel Brand as a very good lover. I picture him as a fairly mediocre, self-involved whiney type. Who laughs inappropriately at bodily fluids.

The suit's not doing anything for the photo either.

Queue whining about harassment and having paid his debt to society in 3... 2... 1...

Let's unpack the "brain is smarter than your tongue" thing for a second. Splenda and Truvia, which my brain tells me is better for me than sugar, tastes like crap to my tongue. So my tongue was right all along! Huh.

Yes! I like that. Go with that.

IKR? I think they should have done "Fifty Shades of Wine" then they could have done a ton of different varietals/blends (like, 50 of them, even). But yeah, the color combo is not conducive to wine-drinking. The "Grey Red" is cognitively dissonant to me.

And this is probably just the tip of the iceberg for product tie-ins (I mean, beyond the bumper crop of lame sex toys that already exist).

I want to star this more than once so bad. Like, tie it up and force stars on it until it can't take any more stars. Oh my!

It's probably worth a couple thousand dollars, which would make anyone temporarily rich in my book.

"...and Some Really Really Rich Jerk Sold the Pics"


Farrah sat for a molding

2 full bottles of Arbor Mist later, and Fox and Friends is only highly buzzing, not wasted yet. Next up, a couple of bottles of Mikes Hard and some vodka-soaked gummy bears.

Definitely, I agree with you 100%. It would be fascinating to extend the study to all sorts of one-on-one relationships. Hopefully that will be the next extension for this academic team.

Exactly! I think the researchers (or maybe the APA) are burying the lede here. I find it much more interesting to look at overall competition drive experienced by men, regardless of against whom.