
Yeah, has anyone here actually been on an Amtrak in the last 10 years. That shit nasty.

Double-posting to add, if you ever need to induce medical-grade laugh attacks, please make your Kindle read aloud a chapter of 50 Shades. There's just something about hearing "Oh My!" in that sexy Speak'n'Spell voice that just sends me.

It may be just that it's friday afternoon in a european-style office (ie, upper management left at noon, if they were here at all), but I totally read that as "Austrian transit company Wiener Leanin' "

Maybe that's part of it, but the insistence about scratches makes me think they're talking about any kind of resistance, including the kneeing.

I like how one of his arguments for his innocence is “There’s not a bump, there’s not a bruise, there’s not a scratch on my client at all.”

Conflicted... if one had a fetish for ponies, you could wear one, but to actually make use of the, um, purpose, you'd have to then remove it, negating the pony-ness of it.

I would love to see Hobby Lobby get all the horrible PR associated with being a frontman for a Supreme Court case bound for destruction. That would be awesome. They suck giant donkey balls (probably literally? can we make that a rumor?).

91. The way you see the world is all that matters. But understand that you may be delusional.

91. The way you see the world is all that matters. But understand that you may be delusional.

That is The Best Gif.

Exactly. He's not addressing the central problem of the Marys (virgin/slut dichotomy) that has been at the root of many of the misogynistic tendencies of the church. He's actually talking about codifying it even more.

I'm not sure we can get all that from this statement. Even if we could, I am inherently skeptical that a bunch of old dudes could really "create a theology" for women that could accurately represent them. And even if they could, it would have to be profoundly contradictory of current dogma.


a profound theology of the woman

I don't know anyone with "bacon issues" I only know people with "I don't have bacon RIGHT NOW issues"

I only hope the toughness is genetic, and not related to the average alcohol content of her blood... I just don't drink enough to equal her level of antiseptic-ness.

The seventies, I guess, with the harvest gold/avocado green thing going on. Also, those were probably the colors that went on sale the most. I'm sure my grandma got most of her yarn from the $1 bin at K-Mart.

LOL @ the motel. This same grandma tried to pay my mom off (she waved a $100 bill at her) to have a baby. She REALLY wanted that first grandkid!

RIiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, but if I was assaulted/raped at a school, then they treated me like shit for it, I'd want to go to another school.

Irish Catholics > Southern Baptists