Yes! I got a book full of nakeds right from the barnes and noble shelf, just because it was an art reference book, and not porn.
Yes! I got a book full of nakeds right from the barnes and noble shelf, just because it was an art reference book, and not porn.
Yes, it completely depends on how that questions was worded. Most of the research I do revolves around why people pick one brand over another of the same product type, because that's the most realistic retail situation.
I'm going to whip out my professional title as Market Research and Consumer Insight Manager for a large consumer products manufacturer here and take issue with "85% of shoppers place color as a primary reason for why they buy a particular product."
I'm going to make the assumption the author extending personal privacy rights to fetuses for as a rhetorical device rather than in seriousness. And while debatably tasteless, showing a nascent penis is not the same as showing one in full operating capacity. Unless we are sexualizing fetuses now? But I suppose that is…
Good point. The toddler will not fare any better than an old car with "new car smell."
totally me.
Oh god the pressure... uh...
Oh, that doesn't just look like a sex toy. Rule 34 dictates it is actually being used as a sex toy right now. Like, as we are looking at it.
Oh, no! Don't term the thread, man... Now I can't jump in here 30 minutes late like the socially awkward turtle I am. I has a sad.
"The pain for the fair sex is often so intense that it is necessary to call an ambulance [at least that's what my wife tells me... why is that young, good-looking ambulance driver always the one who shows up?]"
So it's the combination of Evian-drinking and duck-face-making that will really get you?
Uh, did the entire cast of Teen Wolf wear that pattern, or was it just these two? It looks like a matching sofa and love seat.
All I can think of is the number of seamsters/seamstresses that must have been working on this to do 364 full-on costumes in 1.5 months. It took me 3 months just to do my own ren faire outfit, and I'm 99.9% sure it didn't rise to the level of Oscar winning quality.
I keep waiting for other allergens to catch on as fads.
Wouldn't the real problem come from this?
Oh, good! Not that one dog can't give plenty of love to three boys, but I'm sure the dogs' time there is limited, and sharing is hard enough under normal circumstances :)
Ask google and you shall receive. Cheese boobs.
There's a lot to be said for dogs' ability to project unconditional love. It helps a lot of people.
I totally agree, as a straight person who has needed abortion rights. But I also don't expect it to work so smoothly.