Great. Now I'm going to get 6 pissy texts from my mom with a link to this article and passive aggressive comments about how some people must really love their mothers.
Great. Now I'm going to get 6 pissy texts from my mom with a link to this article and passive aggressive comments about how some people must really love their mothers.
I totally thought he was holding that bowl of apples like Yorick's skull.
Oh, yay! It's the Correlation/Causation Fun Train!
The crying wasn't at work, from what I understand.
Mentioning the crying in the original article could be interpreted as either an attempt to humanize a very powerful figure or an attempt to belittle her.
Pretty please, someone start a high-profile faith-based charity to do this... preferably with accompanying vaguely fish-shaped ribbon magnet for the bumpers of SUVs. Erotica Editors for Our Boys.
I'm an idiot. I totally spent 17 seconds trying to figure out why VH1 would do a "biopic" of The Learning Channel.
Snarky question to JeZen Masters (TM - BerkRie) out there... does taking a picture of something count as being mindful? I rather think it's the opposite, taking you out of the moment.
I whole-heartedly agree on all points, but especially on the "big dicks ouch!" thing. Women have all different sizes of cooch, why wouldn't that mean there's a special snowflake dick out there to match?
I love Mr BerkRie. Not only did he watch this over my shoulder, he also commented "anal is just so... off-putting" and [3 minutes or less] "really? that doesn't seem right"
I don't know if this makes me happy because Equality or sad because Kids Be Dangerous.
Yearbooks >>>> Vacation photos
Oh God The Horror.
According to his owner, who bottle fed him as a kitten to make sure he survived, he lives a pretty normal cat life and purrs/interacts normally, not as if he's in pain.
Please tell me the article about to be posted is about kittens. That's the only way this might all work out ok.