
I'm a little frightened about how they will decide to incorporate a women's event. I can see it going horribly wrong, like them only allowing women on the time trials but not the hills, or only in the more heavily populated legs near cities. Or worse, only as an exhibition on the last day through Paris. Like a kiddie

A lady does not smell the ass of just any gentleman caller. I think there's an etiquette rule about asking permission and signed waivers.

Well, that explains all the stinky-ass* losers I dated before Mr BerkRie.

Yeah, this is the Rutgers case that everyone is citing, and he got very fired. Having been at very sports-oriented schools in my academic days, I can just say this behavior isn't that far out of the ordinary, just enough to suddenly spark outrage... as if complacency up until that point hadn't contributed. *pfft*

Rice crispie treats will be made as soon as I get home. Thanks Jezebel!!

AAAAAAHHHHHGhhhrrrrr!!! those inside covers!!!!

True true. What this lady did could easily fall under the definition of sexual harassment, if any players reported feeling uncomfortable. To the administration. Lead by a man who probably doesn't consider her touch to be harassing.

Sure they did, after decades of the same shenanigans, and he had plenty of supporters at the time as well.

Maybe we're moving in the right direction, but I can't imagine one or two high profile cases mean the problem is resolved. Just as we are not a "post racial" society, neither are we a "post abusive asshole" society.

Until the players themselves (as alumni or active) stand up against it, a movement won't go far. So the best thing I can think to do is to help young kids realize their own self-worth, that they should stand up for themselves against bullies, and that bullies come in all shapes and sizes.

I suspected as much from the website (although they don't come right out and say it... so gauche!), but I live in North Carolina. Not even receiving public funds would stop a public school from putting veiled religious content into their "vision" if the administration could find a way.

Part of me wonders how much outrage there'd be if this was a male coaching male basketball, which has it's share of congenially tolerated abusive asshat coaches, and probably related eating disorders, that don't get fired because MEN.

I learn something new every day. This is... fascinating

He's got a pretty fun character on Once, and I just can't imagine someone doing crazy/hot quite as well.

Even all these years latter, I have a visceral fight-or-flight reaction to seeing this

Even those small gardens with chickens and goat can be a bit much. I have friends who are "urban farmers" with 5-10 chickens at any given time. They've learned butchering their own chickens in limited space with nearby neighbors is very hard to. The smell of boiled feathers carries, apparently.

Aw, now I has a sad. He'd pretty much be the only reason I'd want to watch that show.

OMG, can you imagine?!?! Every 17 years, the flying dicks emerge from the soil, fly around frantically for 2 weeks, cover everything in cum, then mate and die, leaving their lifeless husks to be blown into drifts along the curbside.

Very good point. Rule 34.

I realized that after I responded. My typing is apparently swifter than my brain (not surprising).