
I don't know why it always amazes me how long politicians (and probably private citizens, but I have no data on that) cling to their old visions of themselves after those visions have been irretrievably shattered. The inherent narcissism/selfishness displayed by public officials when faced with their bad actions

You have to go deeper. It's not just any fever dream, it's Marlon Brando's fever dream. BOOM.

Not to get granular here, but isn't this now a circular argument? You're saying you don't need to talk about adult fetishes because we're talking about porn and boys, but the "problem" with porn and boys is they grow up to be violent men. BUT porn and boys aren't connected to adults and fetishes?

As I mentioned to another commenter, most people will recognize the false connection between fetishistizing violent porn and wanting to actually experience it. Otherwise, all those furries would be just a nightmare at the Zoo.

While I agree to a certain extent that some things are picked up easier at a younger age (language centers are demonstrably more plastic at a younger age), that's not true of all parts of the brain. Alcohol is a non-example, as that constitutes a externally-sourced chemical change in the brain, not a change caused by

Agreed the definition I provided was concise, but I think the point still stands that neuroplasticity means the opposite of what this guy was implying, that boys who have a set of experiences when young will never alter or amend those brain pathways when they are exposed to different experiences later in life. It

Soooo, when he said "neuroplasticity" means boys who watch violent porn as teens will grow up to be evil rapey villains and never form new impressions of sex based on real relationships...

He's so perfect in this movie, it makes my teeth ache.

It's probably the last time I enjoyed Ben Afleck in a movie, too. It was the death of an era.

I have that color on the ceiling of my bedroom... it's amazing. You'll love it.

I wasn't sure what it was at first (I think it's hair that's been shaved), but the graphic quality is very apparent.

Now playing

It's appropriate, then, that my favorite thing she's ever done is the one where she never actually opened her mouth:

At first I was all, "Come on, Jezebel, cut Mattel a little slack. They're doing the best a giant lumbering Marketing Machine that happens to make dolls can do. Aren't we looking a little hard for a problem?"

Second post because I finally read the whole article...

I kind of want this as the new wallpaper in my bathroom. I am a sick sick puppy sometimes.

YES! I don't want to have even one kid, why would I want to have to work with 435 of them?

I just knew it! She and Martha Stewart are freaking made for each other...

Either way, Tyra wants Second From The Left and Third From The Top to call her. The former really has the Smize (TM) down pat, and the latter knows how to tell a story with his/her body.

That is most likely true.

The only thing about white zin that makes the ponder happen is mixers. It's kind of a crime to mix lemonade or mango nectar (or both! go crazy! add some selzter!!) into a good Pinot Grigio, but white zin doesn't mind.