
I suspect they were originally based off of a "medical device" sort of shoe, anyway. Whatever genius thought of cross-marketing them probably got a huge bonus and retired to Aruba 5 yrs ago.

AHHhhh... my brain... it bleeds...

My elderly father with balance issues swears Shape-Ups help him develop his calf muscles and force him to walk straight. But I'm not sure how that works when he only wears them to sit on the couch and watch the Yankees.

please say it's a new video game version please please please

Plumbing problems are inscrutable, with varied causes:

I have a feeling that after this "docuseries" (who came up with that one?), we'll all be feeling the feels:

I think she has severe scoliosis too, 'cause that shit just ain't right.

I remember seeing someone try to mimic this iconic Spiderman art (as Mary Jane), and it was downright hilarious. It's like the woman has no bones.

OMG, it's totally NPH as Dr. Horrible. Making one of the best faces. This tattooed person is a GOD!!

LOL... I would love to see a picture of a Dr. Horrible tattoo. That takes balls/tits to pull off.

I just can't picture a bunch of art directors sitting around a conference table going, "yep, this is the one where she looks the most attractive, and it's definitely our best option."

I think she's very understandably expressing her tub-o-philia, and we would be wrong to judge her.

Now playing

Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog. Highly recommended (duration 42:13):

Yeah, the foreshortening here is abysmal.

Seriously bad photoshopping, people. Really, what is that supposed to be, a bath-bubble thong?

Ah HA! The devil's been clogging my toilet! I knew it!!

Completely apropos of nothing, Suppakorn Disatapundhu is the best name in the news ever.

That's actually a set of really good reasons why this happened. I wonder if the royal family's PR advisers are actually that smart, but then again I have a really low opinion of PR people's intelligence, because I used to be one.

Definitely a complicated, interesting soul.