
This's This. I think most "diets" work by fatiguing us from eating too much of anything, or just making us work for our food, which in turn means we eat less overall.

Can I just put fig preserves on my rosemary olive oil bread? It's not challah (which I adore and can't get down south in NC, along with a billion Jewish and Italian delectables), but it will do in a pinch.

Sorry! How about this? I checked it this time :)

Check out this post over on GroupThink... the comments are full of happy marriage tails. I've been married 5 years, and we're happier now than we were when we first met. The (admittedly few) years have made us a stronger couple, more of a team, a better functioning unit, than we were early on. Of course marriage

Egg-zactly! We are the captains of our souls. Or, less poetically but more Billy-Joel-y, "either way it's ok to wake up with yourself"

*Please be on Kindle please be on Kindle please be on...*

Thanks to this post, I typed "bread" into Pinterest, and now I'm down a rabbit hole of beautiful bread recipes, of which I want to make/eat all...

Honest question: Isn't there a difference between external closure (that which we get from others or circumstance) and internal closure (that which we make for ourselves)? I don't think we frequently get the perfect, movie-ending closure from the universe that we expect, but we can create our own closure through

Can one then have a Royal Flush of Goats? You know, if you have aristocratic goats?

I could not ask for more

Totally yes. Everyone is self-centered, so few are thinking about others' looks. And YES, OMG, the passive-aggressive criticism of "us" is so freaking annoying. You want to make a comment about my thighs? Own it, would you? Grr.

I object! There are 22-year-old bellies that don't fit inside tube tops, and some 45-year-0ld bellies that should be displayed at every opportunity.

Helena Bonham Carter as Liz Taylor is something I never knew I needed until I knew I needed it.

I do not question the Moderator Goddesses and their infinite wisdom. I toil here in the clay, expecting not recognition or accolades :)

My new goal in life is to be "goat landed." I wonder if there's a certification down at the community college.

A full-grown human male person actually used the word "Totes" out loud in my office a few weeks ago. I threw up a little in my mouth.

First, I was all "This exists? Crazy, man, crazy," but then I was all "Florida? Yeah, that sounds about right."

Wow, when you describe it like that, it sounds like someone's fairly interesting kink.

There's no need to assume people "don't understand the issue" here. This is similar to any other freedom of speech vs. offensive display (KKK rallies, Pride parades, etc). As long as the rights of others are not being impinged, you can say whatever you want, but as soon as someone's right to safe, nonthreatening

Just reading that list was exhausting. My guide: