Yes, please do that. I would read the shit out of that article. And hey, if that's your style, stay thirsty, my friend.
Yes, please do that. I would read the shit out of that article. And hey, if that's your style, stay thirsty, my friend.
I lol-ed at that too. I'm pretty sure three "meet-ups" would be exactly what would tell/show someone what a "sugar twat" she was.
Yep, nope.
YES. Although, I don't think I'd be comfortable with his narration of the mating scene. Every time, Attenborough, you sick little monkey!
Wow, I have exactly zero desire to make the acquaintance of anyone this chick knows or would know or who might know her/anyone remotely like her.
I would like to point out that "Durham NC" is not only a bro-tastic city by itself, but is actually part of the bro-angle of broness known as Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, home to Duke, UNC, and NC State. This should bro-bump them up a few slots IMHO.
I actually have nothing against moobs for their own sake. Now, if someone is a complete slob generally and doesn't care at all about their own health, it might be an issue. But I don't think the mere presence of moobs would turn me off.
Ick on the shaved chests, in particular. That prickly shit is just not cool. If you are hairy, leave it hairy, my dude-friends.
Does this mean I get to finally meet Jean-Luc?
Does this mean I finally get to meet Jean-Luc?!?!
Thank you for the LOL. It is most appreciated.
Boobs bigger than mine. If a guy has pecs that are bigger than my (size b-c) boobs, he obviously spends too much time on them, and will typically be a gym-obsessed douche.
I, also, fail to regret scrutinizing the cheese for signs of photoshop cloning tool.
Hubris, yes, but any time a female gets too independent (eg, Kate, Beatrice), it's marriage/love for her! I'd much rather listen to single Beatrice riff on life for 2 hours than listen to her wax poetic about Benedict once she falls in love. Kate also gets super-boring in the last act.
Have you seen the Whedon Much Ado About Nothing? I'm trying to decide if I should make the effort to go to the theater or wait for it to come to netflix.
That cheese melted in a frighteningly consistent way. That can't be real cheese, can it? My pizza cheese is not nearly so... obedient.
I do love Viola, but I think (and it's only my opinion, of course) a great deal of the power portrayed in modern interpretations of Shakespeare's women have to do with the actors/directors of today rather than the writing from back then. My understanding is the prominence of cross-dressing females in Shakespeare had…
That's probably my favorite thing about Shakespeare, that it's so adaptable to various interpretations. When I lived in DC, I used to go to the Folger theater all the time (they had cheaper ticket packages), and I got to see Much Ado About Nothing staged in an 80's Brooklyn pizza parlor, Hamlet done with 6 different…
This. Cheese is my vegan Waterloo. And what would I dip my (assumably vegan) oreos in?