
Hubris, yes, but any time a female gets too independent (eg, Kate, Beatrice), it's marriage/love for her! I'd much rather listen to single Beatrice riff on life for 2 hours than listen to her wax poetic about Benedict once she falls in love. Kate also gets super-boring in the last act.

Have you seen the Whedon Much Ado About Nothing? I'm trying to decide if I should make the effort to go to the theater or wait for it to come to netflix.

That cheese melted in a frighteningly consistent way. That can't be real cheese, can it? My pizza cheese is not nearly so... obedient.

I do love Viola, but I think (and it's only my opinion, of course) a great deal of the power portrayed in modern interpretations of Shakespeare's women have to do with the actors/directors of today rather than the writing from back then. My understanding is the prominence of cross-dressing females in Shakespeare had

That's probably my favorite thing about Shakespeare, that it's so adaptable to various interpretations. When I lived in DC, I used to go to the Folger theater all the time (they had cheaper ticket packages), and I got to see Much Ado About Nothing staged in an 80's Brooklyn pizza parlor, Hamlet done with 6 different

This. Cheese is my vegan Waterloo. And what would I dip my (assumably vegan) oreos in?

We have them down south (here in NC), at least. Never been though. I have a rule about sea food and physical distance from the ocean. Charlotte, NC violates the 1-2 hour limit.

(I was totally just interested in the debate, I didn't think you were being mean at all :D) Perhaps it depends on the interpretation. I've seen it done where Lady Macbeth is the mastermind, encouraging her husband etc., but it always seemed a little forced. I've liked it better and felt it was more authentic when

I've always waivered on the vegetarian fence (that's a fence made out of burlap and tofu). I've been veggie for years, then off again, then on again. But I have made it a point to not work for Ebil Corporations like Exxon or Nestle, who have previously offered me jobs. So I guess I'm only kinda sorta a sell out?

This is totally something PETA would do. That, and Sea Kittens.

I'd argue (respectfully and with interest in the answer) both Lady McBeth and Titania, as well as many others, like Kate, were mainly reactions to or foils for male characters, as opposed to independently motivated.

LOL. Totally wasn't what I was expecting based on how your comment showed up in my notificaitons.


That's a good point. Shakespeare is kind of like the bible in that way.

Mostly, Shakespeare's female characters (in keeping with the time period) were pretty one-dimensional. Unless they were cross-dressing or considered horrible shrews or murderesses (Lady McBeth & Beatrice 4 EVAR).

LOL @ "petting party." My mom used to call making out "heavy petting."

Did guys back in John McCain's wild-and-wacky youth ask women out by waving their penises in the air and shouting "Come 'n get it!"?

Sadly, we already have a 20-week ban here in North Carolina, so these further restrictions are just icing on the cake compared to Texas. One of the things that burns me about this is the GOP's complete lack of actual scientific understanding. Or even math: they commonly refer to the 20-week ban as a 6-month ban, and

That's exactly what I'm remembering from Kansas City in the early 80's. That and an extraordinary amount of fishing nets on the ceiling.

Her thighs still don't touch, so I'm skeptical.