
That's actually a really good point. Maybe just a photo of the jersey or the logo would be more appropriate? I'd feel bad if I was one of these guys.

I have only a passing acquaintance with the strange and unfamiliar world that is the Canadian junior hockey leagues (or is it semi-pro? or farm system?), but I imagine the importance level is kind of the same.

I totally pictured this from your comment:

I don't know what the average is, but of the 14 staff members listed on Vanderbilt's Division of Administration's web page, 6 are women, and 2 of 3 new deans are women. Leading by example?

Am I the only one who read the write-up too quickly and was thoroughly confused about why George Bush was trying to reach women who love men who are on the lam?

Yep, any day I'm not allowed to hit the snooze button more than twice is a bad day.

Question is, did Ryan turn into a fish prince shortly thereafter?

Me too, if I do say so myself. I'm considering t-shirts, or maybe a bumper sticker.

The risk of death from childbirth is about 14 times higher than that from abortion

Makes me want to put up counter-signs that say something like:

Have you watched much Full House? Danny Tanner would totally be down with NSA spying.

I think "World's Most Embarrassing Dad" is a poetic description of the POTUS. Everything he is or does makes him like a nicer Danny Tanner.

Wow, that article actually kept my interest all the way through and I think I might have learned something. Apparently, for me, sex talk is the candy bribe of my adulthood.

They said it was literally "against SCIENCE"? Talk about reductionism at it's finest!

Based on your information, then, it seems like this company (besides being run by a terrible horrible human being) is going to have a hard time graduating enough people from it's training classes that meet all their requirements. Do airlines typically have an easy time filling these training sessions?

It's totally (and unnecessarily) confusing, and inconsistent I'm sure. Another person in the same town as me could very likely have a different experience. All the hurdles (including these new ones) just make a horrible situation that much worse.

Two issues:

I think they need to work on the issue of only seeing the top of my mother-in-law's head and up my father-in-law's nose during skype sessions first, then worry about the lighting. Seriously, people, angles!

Ick, yes. I always wondered if those doctors on the panel all had private patients that also looked the same, like they were building some sort of horrible clone army.